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Millenials in the coments talking about how the millenials are actualy cool and already stopped generational trauma:
54 2 Replytatterdemalion
We think we're Ricks but we're actually Jerrys.
23 0 ReplyZozano
I, for one, think Jerry is the best. I take pride in accepting a simple life.
13 0 ReplyLeafOnTheWind "I just kept crawling and it just kept working..."
5 0 Reply
paholg I hope that anyone who thinks they're a Rick spends a lot of time in therapy and on self-reflection, working to change that.
12 0 ReplyxX_fnord_Xx Alcohol is cheaper than therapy.
3 1 Reply
Lightor Yeah, I get this is kinda cringe, but let's not do the thing where we insult the people that we want to change and help us. That's very boomer.
1 0 ReplyJackOfAllTraits
I think you misunderstood me...
1 0 Reply
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