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Big Galaxy S24 leak reveals Samsung's strategy against Google's Pixel phone Big Galaxy S24 leak reveals Samsung's strategy against Google's Pixel phone

Samsung might copy Google's trick: seven years of updates for the Galaxy S24.

Big Galaxy S24 leak reveals Samsung's strategy against Google's Pixel phone

Quoting the tl;dr in the linked article:

  • Samsung could be stepping up its game by offering seven years of major Android updates for the Galaxy S24 series, and the generous update policy might extend to other Galaxy flagships.

  • The Galaxy S24 series might also introduce charges for AI features like Live Translate and Pixel-like photo editing tools after 2025.

  • There's speculation that users may need to sign in to their Samsung accounts for certain AI functionalities.


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  • I follow along with what I am told. If someone says they can do it. Show that it can be accomplished.

    Except they haven't shown anything. There's literally nothing on the market that works. Literally nothing. Over a decade of this "Technology" being developed and there's nothing to show for it.

    Believing either of you is a toss up. Both come to the table with evidence.

    What? What evidence have they shown? The only video that I can find from any of these companies "working" is them lying to you and using like 20 modules to come up with the 5v of power then need to trick a phone into thinking it's charging by pulsing a capacitor.

    At the end of the day the product will either work or it wonā€™t. Man went to the moon. 100 years ago theyā€™d say canā€™t be done. 200 before that and the ability to stream video over the internet would get you burnt for being a witch.

    The difference is that nobody said that rules of physics and science outright disagrees. You cannot beat the inverse square law. This is much like the laws of thermodynamics. You don't just "change" them. The fact that people like you seem to thinks that laws of physics change is actually disturbing.

    Iā€™m sure science had fundamental laws but things change. Those laws arenā€™t concrete.

    Uh what? Yes they are. You think that gravity just changes on a whim? That we discover some stuff and magically gravity will turn left? This is absurd.

    I can choose to believe.

    That's true. But that doesn't make it any more possible to actually do.

    I have invested in wattup. I think itā€™s possible. Disney showed that it was possible. Just that an entire room was electrified and that youā€™d die of you went inside. We can mess with it. This was published 7 years ago... They admitted it themselves... but you still "believe". Right? I hope you didn't invest much. That money has basically been lit on fire.

    • Did you look at the website? They have products in the market. They have them in warehouses. They are sensors using fractions of power. But it's still a product.

      The videos showing it, the patents and again products.

      They do change though. In space things work differently. And they also don't change but have been incorrectly observed. The way we see things. Experiment and then prove that when x does this y does this. But sometimes x does something because r was present but we didn't know that.

      Not saying laws change. That whoever first theorized it wasn't correct. There was something else.

      But this is a pointless argument. You are set in your ways. Science is great. I'm still invested in it and will purchase the product when it comes to market.

      I'll wait. Check out reviews and then go from there. Either they have managed to overcome the limitations or they haven't.

      If they haven't then company goes bust. End of story. Another scam to add to the list.

      • Did you look at the website? They have products in the market. They have them in warehouses. They are sensors using fractions of power. But itā€™s still a product.

        Yes I did... if you read my post, you would know that. Keep in mind that I even went to the Ossa site and ASKED to purchase it. I even utilized my companies name to do it. So if they don't respond to business to business purchases, they don't have a product. And guess what! still no response.

        The videos showing it, the patents and again products.

        You do not need a functional product to apply for a patent. Most patents are patented before they're commercially viable... and most patents never go to market.

        They do change though. In space things work differently. And they also donā€™t change but have been incorrectly observed. The way we see things. Experiment and then prove that when x does this y does this. But sometimes x does something because r was present but we didnā€™t know that.

        No they don't. Period. Nothing in "space" works any different than on Earth. We're talking about laws of physics. Not some random nerds observation of some very particular event. The LAWS of PHYSICS say this is impossible.

        But this is a pointless argument. You are set in your ways. Science is great. Iā€™m still invested in it and will purchase the product when it comes to market.

        So what is it? is it on market, in warehouses etc... or is it unreleased and not on the market yet? You can't have it both ways.

        Iā€™ll wait. Check out reviews and then go from there. Either they have managed to overcome the limitations or they havenā€™t.

        They haven't. They admitted they haven't. Did you read my link? And you clearly didn't wait and check out the reviews. You said you invested in them... That's the opposite of waiting.

        Let me help you and quote the parts that matter to show how absurd you are.

        1. Energous knows that the RF energy density levels are unsafe to humans and in excess to what the FCC can approve. The company proposes to address this by incorporating a sensor system in the transmitter that "will detect the presence of people (and pets) within or near virtual buffer region". This vision is illustrated in Figure 6 where Case 1 allows charging (nothing near the target device), Case 2 does not allow charging (due to the couch blocking the view), Case 3 may allow charging depending on the distance between the receiver and the couch, and Case 4 does not allow charging (due to the cat being close by).

        So it cannot work in the presence of people and they acknowledge that. Let's say this goes to market, everyone has one in the house now. How long before it fails to detect a 4 year old until it cooks the kids brain and it's pulled off the market? This literally isn't going to make it to mass market. It will NEVER happen, this CANNOT make it to market simply because it's not possible for the device to know where humans/pets/living creatures/AND EVEN PLANTS are in order to not fry them. Lick a nine volt battery... Then realize you want the air to literally be that.

        This ALREADY proves that all the marketing is false. That every video that they have showing people in the same fucking room as a charging device is a LIE, so what evidence do they have of it being functional/working? Yet here you are sucking the corporate dick on this and not understanding that it's not just science that's against them. It's literally everything... Hell here's ANOTHER issue that they've yet to address... Wattup works at the 5.75 Ghz frequency. This is dead in between 5Ghz and 6Ghz wifi. Considering the power they're putting into the air... any place utilizing this product will literally cripple their Wifi network. You think anyone is going to allow that to happen? What will you look at on your phone since you don't have wifi but have "unlimited" power.

        Edit: Oh and to prove I've read most of everything they've posted on their site...

        How many "firsts" can they post of the same item, months apart? Look at how big the receiver is on that camera that's supposedly in production (but you can't buy).

        Look at all the material here... Notice the complete lack in "firmware" and "applications" that work with the product. Remember the demo showing that it's managed? Where's the support portal for that? Just images, just marketing, just fluffy white papers.