Ohh for sure, we can do that, you want just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRHRHRHRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" type of basic scream or you want it to go into specific details on where and how it hurts?
Both at the right decibel to not cause pain to the human listener, but loud enough to be heard at a distance.
Pollution easily kills shellfish. If anything, that’s an indication that they are clean and from clean places. Oysters feed of phytoplankton, not waste/garbage and pollution.
Yes, it can. It can clog their gills, making their feeding less efficient, or interfere with their reproduction through chemicals that leach from the plastic particles. Source: I study bivalves
Oysters actually need clean/unpolluted water. What they eat and clean is sediment, phytonutrients, and phytoplankton. Well at least that’s what I was tood by an oyster farmer. They clear the water which is good for the sea grass, and the small fish, which is good for the big fish and so on.