Conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly fumed against a Florida school district's decision to pull two of his books while officials determine whether they run afoul of a state law he supported.
One of the most common, and probably most dangerous, cognitive biases is confirmation bias. It's the exact opposite of "using your brain" to accept a claim simply because it confirms what you already believe to be true. In fact, that might be the time it's most important to ask yourself whether or not it's true.
It's sad that you find my objectivity when it comes to the facts "suspicious" but that's your own short-coming you need to deal with. The accusation is a reflection of yourself and maybe you need to sit and think on it a bit.
This isn't confirmation bias, this is literally just making a (very) educated guess about a person's motivation given decades of behavior. Don't be fucking stupid.
this is literally just making a (very) educated guess about a person’s motivation given decades of behavior.
You are admitting it's just a "guess" but it's safe to admit it's true because it confirms what you already believe to be true. And you're trying to claim it isn't confirmation bias. lmao. Classic.
No, it’s an educated guess. Not a guess. An estimate.
Holy shit, this is hilarious. Do you understand how language works? In this case "educated" is an adjective that modifies the noun "guess." An educated guess is a guess. Just specific type. . .basically, not "a blind guess", but one based on being "educated" on the topic. Using the monty hall problem as an example, when they remove the door, it's an "educated guess" to also switch your answer. But you don't know what's behind that door, you just are making the best bet. You're not "estimating" it's behind the other door, you're guessing it is. This is a ridiculous (and failed) attempt at a pedantic argument.
I am using past behavior as a predictor for current/future behavior.
So, again, admitting that it's not based on facts, but simply a guess.
Something that is done constantly (e.g. our credit system), and isn’t fallacious.
If you had just said "I bet it's hypocritical" I wouldn't have said anything. But you didn't. You state it as if it is fact. The credit system does not state "it is fact that they will be bad with any future credit" they are saying "the risk that they will be bad with credit is high, so we are not giving it to them."
People who don't care just go away,they don't announce to the world how much they don't care.
You're attempt to make this about me and how much you "don't care" is as transparent as your piss poor argument that saying a guess isn't a guess. (Lol I still crack up when I realize you actually tried to argue that position)