I'd love to get a physical keyboard again. I'd happily give up some screen size for it too. Phones have gotten much too big.
A smaller screen would limit the phone, though. Would probably become a phone calls and texting only device since most apps wouldn't know what to do with the small screen and weird aspect ratio.
Ooh, would be an interesting concept to have a folding phone with a physical keyboard+smaller screen for the outer display, as opposed to making the outer screen a normally-sized phone screen
Sure, that wouldn't be a bad thing to try. Probably a lot of interesting ways to go about it. Good luck getting a company to try something cool, though.
Yep, corporations denied us this feature long enough that most of us gave up and stopped trying. Sometimes I wish I was just another mindless consumer loving everything that's new and shiny instead of liking actually useful things...
I was pondering using the new Journal app on my iPhone, but would far prefer to type with a physical keyboard, so haven’t gotten around to it. Not saying that this particular board would change my mind, of course, but ultimately I do vastly prefer the tactile feel of a real board.
Hell, I’m typing this on my iPad using Universal Control from my Mac.