It's just to get to those you have to win a primary first.
And as the DNC said in court, a primary is a private affair and they can influence as much as they want because at the end of the day the results don't matter and they can nominate anyone.
I don't understand why you guys don't revolt. Like jeez. You say the French surrender easily, you guys have capitulated completely, without even one good stand.
As an American, I find it funny when I see other Americans shit on the French. Idk, when I think the French I think of the French revolution, which was bloody.
The French did not fuck around when they had to get shit done, whereas we Americans removed and moan but never do shit because idk, it's inconvenient.
America literally wouldn't exist without the French backing us as a proxy war.
And the reason the French surrendered in ww2 was the did most of the ww1 fighting and were caught by surprising. Its like how Nimrod was a mighty hunter for thousands of years, but one joke on a kids cartoon turned it into an insult.
It wasn't that the French always surrendered, it was notable because they never surrendered. So no one expected it.
They will actually shoot you here though especially if things got half as serious as they did in France about the pensions (which was awesome and I wish something similar would happen in the US to be honest).