I just made the switch a few months ago and I've only seen memes about audio, never anyone actually asking how to fix audio and I also never encountered issues with audio myself. my usb audio interface works just fine, although it's not really professional. what's the big deal?
I will have to keep a Windows install due to I'm a developer, and Windows is still more relevant for games (also GUIs for debuggers - is there any for GDB?), so no big deal.
windows is hell for development tho????
I spend most of my time in WSL2 and MSYS .
unless you're developing specifically for windows using win32 api, but i think all software should be cross platform these days.
i use vscode/codiums built-in debugger gui but I'm pretty comfortable with gdb too
I don't do a lot of native development (I'm primarily a Java guy) so I can't vouch for it however upon a quick search Seer looks like an interesting GDB GUI.