Letitia James announced that her office obtained a settlement from an online mental health provider with a complicated cancellation process.
AG Letitia James wins $740,000 settlement from online mental health provider Cerebral::Letitia James announced that her office obtained a settlement from an online mental health provider with a complicated cancellation process.
Anyone with difficult to cancel services is trying to scam all customers eventually, like a bad gym or satellite radio. If they have to legally change their service structure, that sounds like an improvement.
No I really think the person you are replying to means that because they will need to pay this settlement, then the company will have less money to provide the service hence endangering lives..like somehow it's this person's fault...
"potentially endangering lives" is your main takeaway from a predatory online mental health corporation being held accountable for abusing their patients.
meaning, you're licking some corporate boots.
... you also missed the part where mental health corporations deceiving and abusing patients is definitely endangering lives.
I hadn't read the article when I commented. I read it and agree they were in the wrong. Doesn't change my question though. Obviously depending on if they care for mental unwell and would actually be involved in a reduction of suicide or not.
But you don't care about that. The mad flurry off comments is pretty damning.
Hope your new year doesn't require any mental help assistance.
i was just explaining what you asked to have explained to you
mad flurry off comments, doesn't make any sense.
i see by your closing statements that caring about your fellow human isn't your main motivation and it is, indeed, all about worshipping corporations and polishing boots with your tongue.
i hope your new years helps you grow some thicker skin
Indeed I may be a shit but. You are much worse. I care little for you and your kin. Can all perish for all I care. Why would I worship corporations. What a dilly thing to say. Corps are the scum of the Earth and have made humanity significantly worse. But you. You worse of all.
Maybe the filth you spew will come back to haunt you. Unlikely but a man can hope. Karmas a removed and all that
not really. oh, and just because you got your feelings hurt by an internet stranger pointing out how your corporate bootlicking and fear-mongering makes you a shitty person (which you openly admit) doesn’t make them a shitty person for calling you out.
What a weird take. The company was breaking NY law by making cancellation of their service nearly impossible and faking reviews. This settlement forces them to refund people they defrauded and follow the law.
Are you saying healtchare businesses should be exempt from laws because "service will be worse" if they follow them?
Why would letting people cancel a subscription service easily "potentially endanger lives?"
You didn't ask a question. You made two statements implying that holding this company accountable for illegal actions, robbing people of money, is harmful.
I wasn't advocating for the service. I asked who this service put peoples lives at risk. I condone all that you mentioned. It's obviously a terrible service. However if it kept people alive then the food outweighed the bad.
These comments these people don't understand mental health. Or maybe they do. Who's to say. I contract for mental health charity. Do t even get minimum wage. We aren't fully trained and have 1 phone line.
Yet I've talked down dozens of people in crisis and one on a roof. Service doesn't charge and it's not this corporate bullshit.
Fuck the CEO and the practice. However if it kept one person all be who otherwise would have died. ? In the any case. Fuck y'all.
I contract for mental health charity. Do t even get minimum wage. We aren’t fully trained and have 1 phone line.
That is obscene; people in crisis deserve so much more. THANK YOU for doing what you do. I hope your goodness to others in need finds its way back to you, multiplied, and that your new year gives you all that you have hoped for it.
It's a charity. Government don't pay shit. They don't care.
I just keep people from killing themselves. Even then I don't really do anything. It's generally very easy because people inherently don't want to die.
They want the suffering to stop. If anything what we do is worse by keeping them alive we solve none of those problems.
Also I don't do much at all. Mostly it's run by volunteers and I just deal with crisis calls and active suicides.
Here's the summary for the wikipedia article you mentioned in your comment:
A useful idiot is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause—particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source—without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders. Erroneously attributed to Vladimir Lenin, the term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation. Similar terms also exist in other languages.