Yes, because not doing something is so time consuming. When it comes to Gaza/Palestine/Israel…. He could have sat around with his thumb up his ass and done a better job.
But since you want to make this about broader issues, he simply could have done nothing with the willow project. (Oil in Alaska.)(like he promised to do.)
Student stuff. Inadequate. It should have been forgiven ages ago. And it doesn’t take much time to instruct the DoJ to look into financial fraud by the loan servicers (because all of the loans so far forgiven *should have been forgiven years ago. As part of the loan contract.)
Climate change legislation- mostly tax incentives to corporations that were already going to those things. In other initiatives… he’s going the wrong way.
Economy…. Lol. More corporate lovey dovey ass kissing.
In fact, all the stuff Biden can really claim credit for… has at best been “meh”. So as far as I’m concerned he can do Americans favor and just go shove his thumb up his ass for a campaign… like he promised to do last time….
“Vote [for this objectively bad candidate] or else [this objectively worse candidate.] wins! Don’t ask whywe need you to vote for objectively bad candidates and why we can’t seem to find [objectively good candidates]. Just vote for who we tell you to…. And like it.”
Take these comments as a warning: Biden is losing votes like a rock. If your motive is truly to defeat trump, then you’d have to agree that starting with the best candidate is prudent. That is not Biden.
That’s fine. Many people on the left/liberal side would prefer if Biden would fuck off and not run. However, that doesn’t seem to be happening. In the meantime, the fascist shitgibbon is doing perfectly okay. People attacking Biden from his own side aren’t accomplishing jack shit besides helping Trump get elected. Great work.
People attacking Biden from his own side aren’t accomplishing jack shit besides helping Trump get elected
funny. I say the same thing about Biden running a second time. here's how fucking incompetent his administration is: it took them two an a half years to get the fucking nuclear secrets back from Trump's bathroom.
Seriously, is your sole argument for Biden that he's not trump? Is that seriously... all you've got?
but apparently It's my fault Trump wins? It's not the incredibly shitty candidate that is still missing that binder chock-full of Russian intelligence.
I already acknowledged that he’s not the ideal candidate, but removed about him and blaming a bunch of shit on him that has basically nothing to do with him isn’t helping. You may as well be working for Trump. Again, good job.