A study by USC and a San Francisco-based nonprofit has found that a $750 monthly stipend improves the lives of homeless people.
If 100 homeless people were given $750 per month for a year, no questions asked, what would they spend it on?
That question was at the core of a controlled study conducted by a San Francisco-based nonprofit and the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work.
The results were so promising that the researchers decided to publish results after only six months. The answer: food, 36.6%; housing, 19.5%; transportation, 12.7%; clothing, 11.5%; and healthcare, 6.2%, leaving only 13.6% uncategorized.
Those who got the stipend were less likely to be unsheltered after six months and able to meet more of their basic needs than a control group that got no money, and half as likely as the control group to have an episode of being unsheltered.
You've already wasted more time making excuses for why you can't show me the data then it would have taken to actually show me to the data.
And if you think I'm out of line for asking, if you think my questions are too pointed, then you were never serious about achieving UBI in the first place.
I've taken the time to give you in depth breakdowns and instructions on finding even further in depth stuff. Not doing a research project for you isn't being unserious. The in depth math is particular to each proposal, which are generally behind academic paywalls.
Asking me to spend a month researching the latest stuff and spend hundreds of dollars is straight up bad faith. I'm not your professor, I'm not your friend.
Okay. Adding another one, I'm not going to spend years costing a UBI proposal for you. The theory is there. Like it or not but your demands are ridiculous.
I've made no demands, and you're entirely within your rights to refuse me. But that just leads back to the question: "what are you even doing in this thread?"