What one mayor said is only the tip of the iceberg.
You know you failed as a Jewish nation when the very museum dedicated as a reminder of your people's suffering and the holocaust which lead to the creation of your country is telling you you're a sick people.
I know there are many Israelis who are against what's happening and we shouldn't put everyone in the same basket, but man...
I really want the hostages to be returned safely and Hamas to take a hike, but it's hard to have any sympathy for Israel with how they acted towards Palestinians.
I know there are many Israelis who are against what’s happening and we shouldn’t put everyone in the same basket, but man…
I mean I see what you mean but Netanyahu is called the king of Israeli politics for a reason. They've consistently elected right wing genocidal maniacs.
We should remember that it’s the hard right government of Israel that perpetuates this, not the average Israeli. They are heavily indoctrinated and propagandized. They are victims too.
Is that what we should do for the Nazis? Have sympathy for them and the Nazi propaganda at the time? Mass killing is not ok period. Sympathy be damned.
Lack of sympathy equals hate? No. Just because I do not empathize with somebody does mean I want them to experience harm. I'm just not gonna lose any sleep if they do. Sue me.
True, but they are the same people that keep voting in the far right. It's the same in many countries at the moment.nthe far right is not supported by all, but by enough to gain power.
Netanyahu barely won the last election and is being prosecuted for corruption. Leading up to the attack he had months of protests against his government. Lots of Israelis agree he's horrible and shouldn't be running the country.
Well, perhaps not for long. In recent polls, when asked who should be the next prime minister of Israel, 2/3 of israelis said "anyone but Netanjahu". Could be though that they'd be fine with another hawk.
Nah, I have no sympathy simply due to the fact they chose to be a part of that so called society. It's not like somebody put a gun to their head and forced to move there.
Lol. Bullshit. Conflating Zionism with the interests of the entire Jewish population is choosing to deny any Jewish person their own agency. I do not advocate violence, period. However, some jerk that actually chooses to participate in a bigoted authoritarian society finding that's it's not all sunshine and roses and instead exposes them to potential danger and violence instead? Boo fucking hoo.
But, sure, pointing out the blatant similarities between Zionism and fascism is the problem. Yeah, whatever. Go on with your bad self...or something. I still have no sympathy for zionists.
The comment you were replying to is literally in reference to "the average israeli citizen". What the fuck are you talking about
Nobody (here) is denying that Zionism is modern day Fascism, certainly not me. But in the comment that I replied to, you are sure to say that nobody forced them to move there, but something like 80% of Israelis were born there. I imagine a lifetime of indoctrination is something difficult to overcome.
It's perfectly possible to be sympathetic to Jews as nationality and Israelis as citizens all while agreeing Israeli government and military are doing war crimes, despite the latter desperately trying to make you believe it's one and the same.