Yeah. I really think he will. Trump shouldn't be allowed to run, but in America you can try and overthrow the government, be a cartoon villain in the business sector and a rapist and they'll let you be president twice.
It's all rigged anyway. The electoral college, gerrymandering, having some states votes count more and ignoring the popular vote... We're at the mercy of our corporate overlords.
The infrastructure bill was a big accomplishment. With that said, I don't really care for his personality and all I wanted was healthcare reform (single payer, etc) which we didn't get.
I am voting for him again because I don't want trump or any other of the Republican candidates as my president. But could we have a better democratic candidate? Definitely
I mean that is the narrative right, we have to go with a centrist because it might scareee people to give them universal healthcare.
The reality is that in a lot of cases Biden is to the right of the majority of the US on issues. Take the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, it is extremely unpopular to support it right now among US voters (especially younger ones) but I am sure the media narrative is that oh we can't say no to Israel, that would doom Biden for being too leftist.
Calling it a "narrative" doesn't make it not true. It wouldn't have taken very many people voting differently for Trump to have win last time, and that's without swing voters' goldfish memories fucking things up.
Sure how many train derailment under his watch. Oh yeah thanks to him rail workers can't strike.
And I don't hear bullshit "He GoT tHeM a RaSiE LaTeR" nonsense. The strike wasn't just about sick time which got them what 1 day. It was about how the fucking greedy rail companies were endangering lives and not fixing the infrastructure.
Also Biden sold more oil leases then Trump so naw not good on the environment either.
I see a salty downvoter doesn't like facing reality. Truth is we're not going to get a good candidate, Trump is the front runner and it's got people riled up. I don't see "good" in the next election cycle, I just see "shitty and less shitty". A shitty leader is still a shitty leader, and it's going to add to the apathy issue we have as well while empowering populist nutjobs.
And I think it's one more thing that Poland will copy from US. People got super exited when the right wing government lost the election but my prediction has always been that the "progressive" government will be extremely meh and in 4 years they will lose anyway.