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Oh my bad, I guess shitposting is about being xenophobic. That's what all words mean in American.
1 0 ReplyFlying Squid
Why are you singling out Americans? Are you xenophobic?
2 1 ReplyNo_
You did that to yourselves with this post lmao. Also funny how you're the portrait of the American lack of self awareness I previously mentioned.
1 0 ReplyFlying Squid
I see, so anyone mocking Americans is good, but mocking anyone who isn't American by an American is bad. Interesting double-standard.
1 1 ReplyNo_
You're literally mocking everyone of a nationality that isn't your own with this post. That's being xenophobic. Look it up.
1 0 ReplyFlying Squid
I am? I didn't realize this was my post.
Are you absolutely sure I'm the one mocking everyone of a nationality that isn't my own?
1 1 ReplyNo_
You are by proxy for defending it. And for agreeing with it. It's not difficult to argue in good faith, but you seem to stumble at "arguing".
1 0 ReplyFlying Squid
Please show where I either defended it or agreed with it.
Quote me please.
Unless that was a lie, of course. Was it a lie?
1 1 ReplyNo_
I could quote anything you've said in this thread as being contrarian, but let's see what sort of bullshit you come up with next to dispute that, I'm waiting:
1 0 ReplyFlying Squid
Got it. You lied when you said I was defending this post and agreeing with it. Why did you lie about that?
1 1 ReplyNo_
You could just go back to licking your flag, but I guess conspiracy theories are close second in terms of American hobbies?
1 0 Reply