Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again
Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again
The Berkeley Property Owners Association's fall mixer is called "Celebrating the End of the Eviction Moratorium."

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RogueBanana He didn't actually mean that literally mate. He probably does have it up on sale already.
4 2 ReplySpaceNoodle Yeah, no shit. At no point in that comment did he stare that he actually had it up for sale.
3 7 ReplyExtremeDullard
What part of "it's up for sale" don't you comprehend?
7 2 ReplySpaceNoodle Apparently it's not possible to be sure if you're being facetious or not.
2 8 Replyaidan Or you just didn't read it and now you're trying to cover for yourself rather than just admit you didn't read it.
2 1 ReplySpaceNoodle No, I read it multiple times. I addressed the glibness on this comment chain already. You should try reading it.
2 2 Reply
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