Uh-huh. Just like you "wager" than I'm Gen-Z even though it took you multiple comments to go from saying I definitely am Gen-Z to saying you "wager" it but that's not actually a real wager.
You are one of the most dishonest people I've ever talked to. Along with being a racist.
You are correct that I doubled-down on you being Gen-Z because it would be easy for you to correct if I was wrong. No outside parties are needed, so I took the gamble. A gamble or wager does not need to involve money. Definition #2 of wager is “used to express certainty”. That’s all it means. Also, you can gamble anything including simply staking your current understanding of an issue to give it up if wrong. Your lack of worldly knowledge is part of why I think you are close to if not Gen-Z.
At the moment, I don’t feel dishonest, just gaslighted since you are trying to fish for ways to peg me as a hypocrite as a deflection, but it is a red herring in order to avoid the true issues.
How will race issues ever be resolved if anyone with good ideas of how to resolve them is dubbed a racist or a self-hater. You are using the “that’s racist” mantra in order to create a wall instead of a dialog.
You don't have good ideas. Neither does Thomas Sowell. And if black people agreed, they would give up their "ghetto" culture that you and he think makes black people inferior to white people.
Also, I didn't correct you because I enjoyed you making a fool of yourself. You never actually asked me how old I was. You just assumed. And it was very funny.
Now, do you have anything else racist or foolish to say or are we done here?
Why don’t you share your ideas instead of your bad attitude. I think that you are upset because you saw something that seemed racist and wanted to play SJW, but were met with real ideas that you could not defend against, so you fell back on “that’s racist” instead of being able to use a logic-based approach.
I agree that calling it a ghetto culture is an oversimplification, however that term seems to work well at summarizing the current situation. You could have argued so many things. I admittedly tried to make arguments on your behalf to help you. I don’t think black culture is inferior to white culture. I feel that, in its current form, most other cultures value education more. It really isn’t a white vs. black thing. Obama even tried to improve black culture through programs like Brother’s Keeper that give young black people role models after their fathers leave, which happens with a higher incidence than any other culture.
Ah, now you "think" that I am "upset." Just like you "wager" than I'm Gen-Z.
You sure are the Flying Squid expert and I like how you believe that saying "think" somehow doesn't mean you're making assumptions about me or about black people.
I know you know everything, but asking questions before you make assumptions would be the polite thing to do.