Wagers don’t need to include money. I simply wager that you are Gen-Z. I could be wrong, but it is a strong assertion. I figured you would say otherwise if I was wrong. I’m off the the gym, but am happy to continue debating later.
I didn’t say that I had high confidence in that assessment; just enough to roll with it and possibly get corrected. Also, my dive logs would paint a different picture than cowardice. This is more like I don’t take stupid bets. I can hypothesize though that you are likely not a millennial unless at the tail-end because you immediately went to criticize my choice of language as not being PC and/or
being a form of dog whistling. I then swooped in with context. It’s a writing trick to catch the reader’s attention.
If you wanted to get corrected and didn't have confidence, you shouldn't have made a declaration as if it was a fact. I doubt you'll apologize for it though.
Also, you pretty much admitted that when you said 'ghetto,' you meant 'black,' which is the very definition of dog whistling.
Sowell is clearly and Uncle Tom/Ruckus by your standards because he refers to black culture as ghetto culture frequently. I was just citing an esteemed black author.
As an aside. Does it trigger you if I appropriate things? I think I have the itis from breakfast. I’m still hung over from taco Tuesday margs. Today is winesday, so will cook Italian with obnoxious pizzeria music.
Yes, again, Thomas Sowell is a self-hating black man. I'm not sure why you didn't read that the first two times. Also, I'm not 'triggered' by anything you say and that word is moronic.