Do you know how many dollars you'd have if you took every dollar away from every billionaire and divided it evenly? Enough for a nice dinner, maybe a very cheap getaway, not enough to stop working or get all your needs met by someone else who is in the same position as you.
Ok so America has 300,000,000 people. That's $3 per person for every billion dollars. Come on genius, bring that math, explain how all those billions divide into everyone having everything they need and everyone else will absolutely deliver those needs.
That's not how economics works, you cant just pay everyone a dividend. besides, only about 15% of those 300k need a share of that assistance to get up to base levels of not being homeless and starving. If you're going to removed about knowing economic theory as least have the intellectual fortitude to not make disingenuous bad-faith arguments befitting a troglodyte.
You're right that you cannot pay a dividend but you missed the check on your knowledge of how wealth and money work: that money doesn't exist. Only a miniscule fraction of that wealth exists as a budget you can just spend as you know it. All that those billionaires have is the ability to tell people what to do and all they can spend is reallocating productivity towards other goals. All the money that actually gets spent goes into other people's pockets and gets spent in turn. The inefficiently in this system is far lower than the inefficiency in a planned economy.