Edit: what fuckin world do we live in, where someone says that a politician needs to be shot to death, and the controversial opinion is to not shoot someone? Am I crazy for thinking that killing trump wouldn't solve anything? We shouldn't give people a martyr. The best way to get rid of someone is by shaming them and forgetting them.
“Furthermore, 18 U.S.C § 2381, states that a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Uh no, that's also an extreme opinion. Death is always an extreme opinion, because there's no way to change your mind. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
If you're gonna be a naïve idealist, at least be an effective one and pick arguments where you're not splitting hairs over hyperbole on niche social media, much less hyperbole directed at a world-class factory of inflammatory hyperbole who has 0 chance of being executed by the government.
🤣 Hey, remember how Trump separated immigrant children from their mothers, some of whom we lost record of and have no idea if they've been reunited? Remember the physical abuse of immigrants he internally promoted? Remember his pandering to the Klan and neo-nazis and adjacent white nationalist organizations? Remember all the covid deaths he caused with his validating and spreading of lies? His insurrection attempt? Divulging of military strategic information? Don't you think that tips the scales a little bit? All it took was a little bit of pushback to get you to flip on your "never joke about violence" stance. I've never done any of those things. You should re-evaluate your priorities. Unless this is really the hill you want to "die" (😱) on.
A lil pushback? Flip? No, I've always been anti-violence. Killing people only results in more graves. War doesn't solve anything. Sometimes you need to stand up in defense, and that's different, but starting the violence is never a good thing
Getting on a high horse over hyperbole is silly, but that's what you doubled down on doing, then you used the exact same kind of hyperbole yourself because you were mad. That's the definition of flipping. (And irony.)
You can stop grandstanding now, no-one cared before, except for the bit where you stuck your foot in your mouth, maybe.
Not sure about this really. You have a great point with the martyr risk, but then again, if Hitler had been executed in 1924, would the whole nazi thing have fallen on its face? Trumpism (much like Hitlerism) is a person cult. Perhaps killing their leader is exactly the kind of thing what people like Trump supporters respect and positively respond to.
The best way to get rid of someone is by shaming them
I think we can be pretty certain that this strategy is not working against Trump. Unless you find a shaming angle that actually works against his supporters. I have no idea what that could be since just about every angle that would work on normal people has been tried out.
Honestly, if Hitler had been killed on Aug 29 1939, the Nazis might have done a lot better than they did. I don't think his generals would have marched into Russia the way he did.
Death as a punishment for treason would do a lot to stem the tide of treasonous fucks that are currently holding high positions in our political system.
The time for leniency is OVER. And making a martyr out of a huge sack of shit is just fine- let more of those fucks step out of line and see what happens.
If such was legal and in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, the military would stand ready to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and obey the orders of those appointed them. Our officers stand ready and willing to defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Domestic terrorists are terrorists, and there's nothing we like better than to hunt terrorists and put warheads on foreheads.
Yeah, good luck getting a court to convict that. There are multiple lawsuits. None of them are considering anything with the death penalty, nor should it. There is no legal precedence for it.
Convicting Trump of the death penalty is more likely to result in a 2nd civil war than it is to make people fall in line. We tried bombing the taliban into falling in line for 20 years. How'd that go?
Not really. It's in line with all US laws to ask for the death penalty
18 U.S.C § 2381, states that a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Considering the scope and impact of his crimes. It would be reasonable to ask for the maximum punishment.
He may be a politician but he's also a criminal and I think that would be the punishment for his crimes not for being a politician. Although hes a pretty awful politician too lol that's not a crime.
Boy let me tell you something about our founding fathers.... This man tried to destroy our democracy, he deserves to die. However, for the sake of our civilized society I would prefer to see him rot in jail until he dies in the most unglamorous way possible that way he can't be made a martyr.