This is not a meme, but a reminder of a terrible time and this particular event. Post it in a history community, but not here. Why would we find something so sad funny?
The caption is there. But that doesn't even matter. That isn't the point. Point is the attitude towards the image, what it stands for and that it shouldn't be used like this.
Using images of people suffering to make fun of a current situation is insensitive and disrespectful to the people who were suffering at the time. It also trivializes the situation and makes light of something that is serious and important. Essentially it isn't ethical to use an image like this to make a point like yours.
It's similar to someone posting a picture of a starving child and captioning it with "how I feel when I'm on diet." It's inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive.
Frankly, this post should be deleted for the same reasons.
Despite the rustled jimmies in this thread, I don't really care what people post in a fucking 'memes' channel. However, you should know the caption does show up in sync and doesn't make it any better. This might help clear things up: