Campaigners have welcomed the move to outlaw the breed they argue is "a clear and present threat to public health", but concerns have been raised it may not be practical and lead to other kinds of dogs being prohibited.
My neighbor has a pit mix and it snarled at me gnashing its teeth once as she walked by. I was just standing there by my car minding my own business barely even acknowledging them. I jump and yell Jesus wtf lady omg. She just made pathetic excuses, he keeps me safe, never does that, it's fiiiiine etc. Ive told her numerous times she needs to train it at the bare minimum, preferably destroy it. I've observed it doing the same to other people as they walk past. I bought pepper spray and look out for them very carefully whenever I go to my car now. I bet it's just a matter of time before someone gets mauled and I hope it's not me. Fucking hate those things.
After watching my cop neighbor try to drive a dog away with pepper spray, it's not going to help much. Even direct hits to the eyes didn't seem to affect the dog much.
Oof, noted, thanks. I figured it's a decent last resort but I guess not. Vigilance and avoidance are the best bet as usual. I'm not quite ready to buy a handgun over this.
When a pit latches on, the only thing you can do is choke it out. Strangle it until it sleeps. Nothing else will make it let go. It doesn't feel pain, doesn't notice knife stabs or bat beatings or anything at all. Just hope it has a collar you can pull with all your might.
Maybe I'll buy that handgun after all. Really pisses me off that I'm forced to consider this option because people are too stupid and stubborn to realize they themselves owned walking untrained lethal weapons.
Do you agree that retrievers are bred to retrieve things?
Do you agree that herding dogs are bred to herd things?
Do you agree that pointer dogs are bred to find things?
Surely you've been around these kinds of dogs before. It's not something that they learn; they are specifically bred to do a job and they will do that job even without training. You've seen or heard of how a sheepdog will herd small children, I'm sure. It's why the breed exists; they are specifically bred to do a certain thing and genetically their instinct is to do the thing that they were bred for over the course of thousands of years. You can remove them from their mom and not give them any training and they will naturally do the thing that they were bred to do. You don't have to train a golden to bring you back a ball.
So is it a surprise that a dog bred to kill things will want to kill things?
That's not simply because of "a poor owner", although the fact that people refuse to train their killer dogs to not be killers is part of it. It's because their dogs are genetically predisposed to kill, just like a pointer dog is genetically predisposed to find things.
It is absolutely a bad breed. Killer dogs should be banned worldwide. Every single pitbull, rottweiler, etc. should be spayed/neutered and the breed should end. They're too dangerous and dumb owners have proven that you can't rely on humans to keep them under control.
It's not the dogs' fault, mind - it's their instinct. But that doesn't mean that future generations should have to deal with it.
I had a retriever, she liked chasing ducks. Sometimes she would run to duck and then run back to me with this look on her face of "there is a step missing".
They’re too dangerous and dumb owners have proven that you can’t rely on humans to keep them under control.
That's why we have laws in Germany that say that if dogs of certain breeds don't pass character tests they have to be muzzled, and you might need a license (as in driving license) and a certificate of conduct.
States tend to put American Staffordshire-Terriers (and therefore Bullies) in the harshest category, Rottweilers get off way easier.
Those two breeds are nowhere close to comparable when it comes to aggressiveness. Rottweilers aren't inherently aggressive, on the contrary they're exceptionally chill and have a high anger threshold. But they're also protective and if you aren't chill yourself they will quickly become to think of themselves as the pack leader.
Rottweilers are about as easy or hard to mess up a German Shepherds, it's just that messing up passively becomes more dangerous as they'll become overprotective, see imagined threats because you imagine them, suchlike. If you want to see a breed with inherent anger issues that'd be the Chihuahua.
Yeah Rottweilers are herding dogs, they herd children too and just love leaning into you. Herd dogs also protect their pack so they do need training and an owner who knows what they're doing on top of extensive socialising.