It's literally not. It takes me a few hours to stop thinking about work shit and everything else I have to do and I don't have that long at the end of the day. I didn't say I drink every day or even every week. I wouldn't even say I have a drinking problem. Most days I just sit around being still stressed out for an hour or so after I get all my shit done and then go to bed. You don't know shit about me so keep your platitudes to yourself.
Someone doesn’t need to know you to know how self-medicating anxiety (what you’re describing) with alcohol fucks people up long term
They did manage to be a dick about it, but yea the more someone feels like they can’t stop those thoughts, the deeper the need is for something sustainable (a practice, a hobby, a life change, a med, etc.) that can help them do that
Even at its best, if someone sidesteps all the side effects of alcohol, it still just delays someone from learning how to master those thought patterns in themselves
I know how to break out of those thought patterns. The problem is, like I already said, it takes longer to do than I have time for. It's not like there's a switch I can flip off.
I'm going to be fucked long term regardless of what I do anyway because the society we've constructed is fucked and built around continuously making everything worse.