Average price of a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in the US: $416,000
Average interest rate for home equity loan right now: ~9%
Average mortgage assuming 10% downpayment And above: $2700/mo
Moderate grocery budget for 5 people: $1500/mo
Average Utilities: $330/mo
Average cost for private school: $16k
For 3 kids, monthly: $4k/mo.
For good measure, well add a slush fund of $2k a month to cover property taxes ($350/mo), gas/auto repairs, house repairs/non food related purchases, kids hobbies/electives/clothes
If we want to talk vacation, it's gonna be an additional $1k-2k saved a month.
If you're saving for college lol, add $1750/mo for 20 years to cover 3 kids at avg priced 4 year institutions.
Where are we?
To sustain that, you need to be pulling down over $350k/yr as a household.