He's not resigning from a position that is a lifetime appointment.
So sick of hearing these moronic articles.
Either get the goddamn Department of Justice or IRS involved in this and see if these trips and other gifts were illegal, or STFU. Yes, we all know he's a corrupt piece of shit, but he's not resigning, and it sure as hell doesn't look like any governmental departments even want to try going after him for corruption.
These "Moronic articles" places him into the spotlight.
There is very few things that can be considered an "Annoyance" to rich folk, being in that spotlight is one of them.
People like Clarence Thomas want to go on vacation and not worry about being recognized in public.
Being in the spotlight means they have to hire more security, it means background checks, it means more people in your private life, it means always looking over your shoulder because the "media" is everyone with a smart phone nowadays.
So while I would love to see less topics on Clarence Thomas that doesn't involve a jail cell. The attention on his shadiness, is the 2nd best for now.
He knows he's essentially untouchable, so all the things you list, he probably doesn't give a flying fuck about. Lazy Merrit Garland isn't going to open an investigation on Thomas and it looks like neither is the IRS to see if there were any tax shenanigans going on. And our corporate news media is more on his side, than the side of The People. 90% of these stories are utterly pointless. They are filler to get clicks
You can be untouchable and still have social pressures.
Just as you can be a fly could do virtually nothing to harm a living human being, but buzz around his ear enough and they will do anything to get rid of the buzzing.
The point is to be within the law, and be annoying.
You would be suprised how much that isn't true. That's why yatch make sense for the rich to have. Keeps them out of sight. But anywhere on land, there will be other normal ish people.
Unfortunately, you are not the target audience for this article.
Most Americans are not informed at all, and no matter how stupid it may seem, they need the most watered down solution shoved in their face repeatedly just so they recognize the problem in the first place
Based on how often he and Alito are crying out about his unfair it is that they're being scrutinized for corruption, I think this is really bugging them.