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  • The older you get, the worse the hangovers hit. Was at a networking event last night and my glass was constantly refilled for hours. I had the power to say no but yeah that didn’t happen. Had fun tho. A chill Saturday is on the cards.

    • I had 8 stubbles last night. No hangover today. If I had 8 glasses of wine that shit would fuck me up for days.

      • Wine kills me, but I love it so damn much. Why must the most delicious beverages fuck us up so completely? 😭😭😭

        • That's it. It tastes good, it makes your mouth dry so you keep slugging down like lolly water and then bang its got ya and you start regretting a lot of things. Then in the morning it gives you a kick in the head for good measure.

          • It was wine, so much wine, and these are all the things I have felt. I think I said no to the final fill up attempt but by then it was too late.

            • Don't beat yourself up. It happens. My tolerance for wine is like 2 - 3 glasses. I've lived long enough to know that wine and I don't really get along but it took many experiences to work that out.

      • Doesn’t take much to do me over. 2 glasses of wine back to back and I’m like lights out.

        Yeah I’m a light weight. Hehe

    • Hangovers have always made me feel really like... sluggish and slow. Not so much sleepy, it just feels like being off my ADHD meds.