Thanks! A machine translation.
That's very interesting, humans have a measurable preferred average temperature. It doesn't suggest that it will be impossible to live in India in this scenario, just much less appealing. I already live well outside of our preferred niche towards the cold end, for example.
That's not to say that it's a good situation, though. I hope I haven't come across as suggesting that, but we're very hard to kill. I think humans are on the same tier of adaptability as small terrestrial invertebrates at this point; if they can survive probably so can we.
Here's a current temperature map so you can see where 11-15C is. India and Egypt seem to be hot-side outliers to start with, having been extensively populated for a long time, as does West Africa. South Africa and Argentina are noticeable areas that are climatically perfect without having too much going on.
I wonder if we might see agriculture confined to cold seasons in some areas of a hotter Earth.