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People can remember the Konami code but :-q-! is too difficult apparently.
39 1 Replyrovingnothing29
Except it doesn't work because you're in edit mode.
24 0 ReplyRickRussell_CA
Ahem, per the cartoon, the genie typed "vi", which leaves vi in command mode.
As an emacs user, I'm ctrl-x ctrl-c with this conversation.
18 0 ReplyfreundTech After noticing that ctrl+c doesn't work he tried typing
, which put him in edit mode.7 0 Replykbotc Unless you are on a Mac, then ctrl is META, and META+c gets you to the place where you can :q!
ESC is just too far to deal with when using vi.
2 0 ReplyPossibly linux
Don't try to use the terminal on Mac. Its not linux
1 0 Replykbotc But it is UNIX, which Linux is not.
1 0 ReplyPossibly linux
Horray? Linux is the defaco standard and protected under gpl
1 0 Replykbotc Go ask Red Hat for their sources.
EDIT: I’m a Linux Performance Engineer with 15 years under my belt and I use a Mac as my daily driver. Including when I gasp interface with Linux computers because it’s always a combination of ssh and configuration management of some form. Telling me that Mac users don’t use vim is, on its face, one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. It’s a text based interface. I could do it with Windows, but I’m faster on Macs.
1 0 Reply
Affine Connection I have sent emails with ":w" on at least one occasion.
5 0 ReplyBartsBigBugBag Esc, then :q-t
2 0 ReplyClusterfck Or just use nano and have a built in cheat sheet
Edit: I just realized nano is the gen z text editor for Linux....
6 2 ReplyRikudou_Sage
I've used it before gen z was a thing, so no.
6 0 Reply
buedi Why do people just don't ESC :x? Do I miss something when not using q!?
2 0 Replyforwardvoid :x also writes (same as :wq). :q! is force quit. If you accidentally made changes then :q will give an error and :x will write those changes. So :q! Is you safest bet if you need to gtfo.
5 0 ReplyMorphit
ZQ / ZZ ftw.
2 0 Replybuedi Now that you write it... I use :q! all the time but I did not realize. I guess that is just muscle memory :-)
1 0 Reply
Or ZZ, more simple and immediately after typing it you start hearing random ZZ Top song.
4 0 Replyswab148
Me hoping it's "Waiting for the Bus"
Damn, "Legs" again.
2 0 ReplyRickRussell_CA
Driving While Blind
2 0 Reply