Last night, at approximately 2AM ET, a former employee, Madison Reeve, posted a thread on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, accusing Linus Media Group of cultivating a toxic work environment and encouraging a work culture that was detrimental to her health as well as sexual harassment directed at her by Linus Media Group employees.
“I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health,” her statement begins. “My work was called ‘dogshit’ I was called ‘incompetent’. When I would reach out to managers and try to get help with these situations, I would be told to ‘put on my big girl pants’ and be ‘more assertive’.”
Reeve went on to accuse the company of barring her from videos after she reported being “grabbed multiple times in the office” and being told to “calm my tits” and “stop being such a removed.”
If you read that full thread it sounds like someone who was let go from a place I worked years ago and just rings of serious mental health concerns. Slicing open your leg so you go to the ER to avoid going to work is not a sign that someone is of sound mind. All accusations need to be taken seriously and explored regardless given their severity, but I also seriously hope she can get help.
I don't think this take is accurate at all. Her actions in that thread appear (to me) entirely as a result of her environment, and honestly there is no basis for the idea she is not of sound mind. The victim blaming is really offputting.
If they're true, it's more than likely this kind of abuse was happening throughout the organization and continued up until these allegations, so I'm glad she came out with them.
To be honest, I had a similar experience in a workplace, and I definitely did not have the guts to post it before reading your comment.
It is important to take all accusations seriously, but it is also important to verify.
I have seen baseless accusations getting reported and shared on my previous workplace. It was made to sound like a living hell, and frankly you would have needed to be on a psychotic break to experience it like this. This same employee had pledged on their first day of work to print a chart of conduct and equality that would bind us all. It was very weird to be honest. Unfortunately some people saw the articles and believed every words and felt "betrayed" by my old bosses.
Anyway, here's a disclaimer because everytime I post an anecdote encouraging to be diligent I get replies telling me I am assuming this or that. Let me be clear, I believe Madisson and I would be very surprised if she wasn't abused considering everything. But still, I like to verify, we must always verify. In this case, it means waiting for further development. You can encourage and support the supposed victim while simultaneously not jump to the throat of the accused.
Good for you to delete that trashy comment on kbin here. For the record this user, , went straight for victim blaming. Users like this run at risk of being defederated from the rest of lemmy, your behavior is not tolerated.
I agree, thank you for putting into words what most people keep silent
I appreciate their narrative, and I'm glad they've detailed everything as experienced. But given the totality of their recollection, and the reactions, and the responses, they're clearly somebody who takes too extremes.
A full investigation must be done, and the report probably won't be fully published but whatever is available should be published.
In these public discourses, where one side legally cannot respond at all, we will get a skewed view of things. So we have to take those secondary indicators into account when interpreting. What was the intent behind the messaging, what was the effect of the messaging, what was the timing of the messaging, what are the incentives of the parties at play.
Bad things happen to good people. Bad things can happen to dramatic people. Bad things can happen to good dramatic people.
Honestly, I don't care if people love or hate LTT. It's just a tech entertainment channel. I would love more people to have the critical thinking tools available to them, to interpret future events, more reasonably, without leaping to conclusions