Skip Navigation blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy /c/
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The largest piracy community is hosted over at ! has blocked it. It appears to have also blocked !

If this is a problem for you, I'd suggest migrating accounts using LASIM to an instance that doesn't block it (such as


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  • What the heck?

    Seems like my backup account is about to be my main account after all LMAO.

    For legal reasons? Isn't hosted somewhere else but the USA?

    This is bullshit honestly, I hope they back up from this decision.... Unlike Beehaw defederating from others because of light reasons.

    • Not legal reasons. They explicitly said it's to protect users duh. Enjoy extra protection!

      • Hence the bullshit reasoning.

        • I prefer outlast then join the group of domains with an FBI seized page on it one day. It's very easy to run multiple accounts, seems like many people have different users for different activity anyhow. It's important to note it's not uncommon for especially pirated software to contain malicious code.

          Being outside of the US isn't just a magical protection, here's the US Copyright Relations:

          And it can also be hard for using a CDN, if the content goes with-in US reach that is a huge liability.

          • Wait, are you actually on their side for this move?

            Which was a suggestion by a troll user at the end of the day?

            • Do you have an actual counter response to the facts I've given? My first comment covers it all pretty well. Additionally, it's not like a single user made a recommendation and the decision was sealed.

              I'm not against piracy in general, I'm not attacking these communities. My point is there are very particular precautions that are required to prevent issues running that type of content and it creates a great amount of risk to every instance that is syncing with communities like that. It by no means prevents anyone from making another account and still accessing it all but it does protect from getting into legal issues that could have a very significant impact for the entire instance.

              It's exactly why there are other rules that apply as well, for not only moral but legal reasons. The US and allies have quite a large reach, the copyright owners have deep pocket, and they love making special mission names targeting such communities.

              imo multiple users across multiple instances for different activities is the way to go anyhow.