We've had laws around who can run for office since the founding of the US.
You must be born in the US, you must be over 35, you must not be convicted of impeachment. You can't have tried to succeed from the US.
There are other laws that have effectively banned who can run. Most states have ballot access laws.
Rules about who can run aren't dangerous, so long as they are fair. Barring someone from participating in democracy that has tried to subvert it is more than fair.
Allowing people to run for president who have a history of attempting to subvert democracy is decidedly more dangerous. Only a few specific crimes bar you from office and they are for good reason.
The government already decides who its voters are by gerrymandering being legal. That ship sailed decades ago. So why sound the alarm over this? Concern trolling?
"This dude just assassinated all the presidential candidates and admitted it. He just said he'll run for president. Don't let the government step in, okay?"
I agree. Germany shouldn't have banned the NSDAP. It was absolutely unfair! It was only one tenny tiny bit of treason. Why shouldn't they be allowed to hold office again?