The point is:
China and Russia aren’t communist.
Russia is right wing oil oligarchy ran by nationalists billionaires who hang out on yachts in western ports, with open conquest and old school style colonialist ambitions throughout the world.
China is basically a giga-corporatocracy with companies traded on NYSE, that does massive amounts of business with the largest American hyper capitalist corporations the planet has ever seen. They abandoned their core communist policies decades ago. They’re about as communist/socialist as North Korea is a republic. And they’ve only ventured further and further since.
Anyone who pretends to be pro communist, and also pro Russia or China is not really an ideologue, but simply anti western edgy hypocrites.
And yes, these edgy kids could totally move to those counties. And yes, you can avoid being a hyper consumer in the western world. You can avoid buying new iPhones and cheap disposable items made by slaves.
The average western moderate capitalist isn’t pretending to be capitalist. They simply are capitalist.