If you read past the headline, the article goes on to say "We can be almost certain that Xi, as the Communist Party's general secretary, will be appointed for another five-year term," and "Technically speaking, since the term limit has been removed, he can stay in power for life, [although] that may require some formal ceremonies after five years."
Apparently, a theoretical 5 year term that they aren't even completely sure will happen means for life, and "technically speaking, he can" means he will do so.
It's also worth noting that term limits do not exist in Canada for any elected officials, but that's not relevant when blasting readers with VOA level word vomit.
I honestly struggle to wrap my mind around the idea of term limits = democracy. Here in the US the only reason we have them is one president did the bare minimum and gave the working class some crumbs and kept winning so they implemented term limits. It seems to almost always be implemented as a way to stop democracy.
The US only has term limits for the president though. Congressional representatives, judges, cabinet secretaries, etc., can all be there as long as they have the money and connections to be there.