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  • Bah I’m not home yet. Please hold off the rain for at least 30 mins please Mother Nature

    • Raining in Thornbury rn. Don't like your chances. Big rain following in an hour or two.

      • Just got off the bus. It’s fooken wimdy and cold 🥶🥶🥶 carp!

        • And as the wimd is from the north west, once it goes round to the south west tomorrow it will be even colder .... Oodie time.

        • Hope you got home okay! It sure is carpin' cold and bitter out there.

          • Yeah I got home alright. Only rained on briefly but even that short stint of rain, I didn’t like the feel of how cold the rain was 😭😭😭I mean today isn’t even our coldest day, so the fact I’m feeling this cold is ridiculous. You would think I was behaving like someone who’s never been in the presence of cold. I even had another layer than I usually do. I guess the wimd and rain attack the skin that weren’t protect my face and part of my neck that wasn’t properly protected

            • I get what you mean with the wind on face and neck....hope you're all rugged up now and having some food to stay warm!