Brave will not add Web Integration support
Brave will not add Web Integration support
I think we need all support we can get to fight Google on this, so I welcome Brave here actually.
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Goodie Bold claim for a chromium-based browser.
7 5 Replylolcatnip Not really. It's easy to see exactly where the code is for a new feature by reading the commit history. It shows more or less exactly what to cut out.
4 0 ReplyGoodie And that's easy to do right now.
But that's permanent, unfixable, and potentially ever-increasing tech debt they are taking on.
How easy will it be to do when it's an old feature?
2 4 Replylolcatnip "Permanent, unfixable, and potentially ever-increasing tech debt" is just a description of maintaining a web browser. Using Chromium is still orders of magnitude less work then starting from scratch.
5 0 ReplyGoodie And orders of magnitude worse than just firefox.
3 4 Replylolcatnip It's just code. It's not like it's cursed.
2 0 ReplyGoodie There's a reason my title on github is "Code Exorcist"
4 2 Replynobug-404 It's just code...
1 0 Reply