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  • If you're gonna eat rice don't eat white rice

    White rice has no nutritional value. The husk, which contains the vitamins and protein, has been entirely stripped, leaving only the soft kernel inside which has almost no nutrients. Thus minerals and vitamins are added back to white rice during the packaging process to make it somewhat healthy.

    Opt for parboiled rice (closest to white once cooked) which is also similarly priced to white, or go wild -- literally -- and get what is called wild rice, which is just how rice should be. I'm also partial to black rice which can be quite more expensive for rice, but it's really fragrant and tasty (but be careful with the water, it stains easily).

    All of these have a higher protein content than white rice, lower calories, and the nutrients didn't have to get added back in, they come from the rice itself.

  • What's something you wish you knew when you started lifting?

    For me it would be that lifting can take time. It's okay to start with light weights and it's okay that getting bigger will take more than three months. Sure, pushing yourself is good to make progress, but everyone has their limits.

    Also, lifting can be for more than just getting bigger. In the beginning I was hyper focussed on getting more muscular and it led to me taking awful homemade protein/caloric shakes which cannot be healthy long term. It took me pretty long to understand that this way of training was not what I wanted. Luckily I now know that I want to focus on strength and stamina and that size comes second.

    How about you?

  • Weekly exercise thread, August 25th 2023

    This week has been so humid it's not even funny. It wasn't even that hot, like 26 degrees max or something. But the 80% humidity slapped me in the face. Every movement I did made me sticky.

    Anyway, it hasn't stopped me from going at it. I did my strength exercises and my runs, and I'm starting to look more muscular than when I started after my three week holiday.

    I did have a problem with fatigue this week. Despite eating and getting my macro's in, my body struggles to repair itself. I even didn't feel like working out at one point. I'm glad I did, though.

    Anyone else experienced this before? And do you have any tips to combat it, maybe?

  • Weekly exercise thread, August 18th 2023

    I just got back from my 5am morning run. After more than a month of rain and 15 degrees, the wetter has suddenly changed to sunny and 30 degrees. This makes running after work, when it's at its hottest over here, not ideal. So with my sigma money grindset I decided to get up early and do my runs then. Today I did a 5.5km run (mostly because the round I had was 1.1km instead of the 1km I thought it would be). My upcoming trail run should be no real challenge and I am thinking about doing half a marathon in october. We'll see how it goes.

    Running in the morning with a cold shower afterwards is great. I'm doing this thing in the shower where I stand still under the cold water for 30 seconds while I keep focussing on my breath. It gives me a great adrenaline boost it seems and my senses are all fired up when I get out.

    I did some strength training as well, but nothing special going on there. I am thinking about buying a weighted vest to do my push ups with, as it is probably easier than filling my backpack with weights every time. Anyone over here with experience with weighted vests?

  • What's your take on salt?

    Asking here because we don't really have a cooking community lol

    I've tried my share of salt; Himalayan pink, Persian blue, even smoked salt which gives off a nice smoky smell

    But they all taste the same. It's salt.

    Am I missing something or is their value solely predicated on the geographical origins + unique colors?

  • You’ll want to MEAL PREP this ONE POT HIGH PROTEIN dish the rest of the year | Mujadara

    This might not be a dish you are familiar with, but once you make it once, you will fall in love with this Lebanese dish called Mujadara. It's full of flavor, made in one pot, PERFECT for meal prep, PERFECT to impress people with and it's completely Top 9 Allergen friendly. Give it a try and le...

    You’ll want to MEAL PREP this ONE POT HIGH PROTEIN dish the rest of the year | Mujadara

    I thought I might share a tasty, high protein recipe for y'all.

    Note: of course you don't have to add all the ingredients in the vid. If you don't have bay leaves anywhere near you, leave them out lol.

  • To all the comrades lifting next week, good luck!

  • Weekly exercise thread, August 9th 2023

    August 2023. Over here we are curb stomping one climate record after another.

    In the past week I did three (3) strength workouts and I went running twice. Unfortunately I did not have my phone with me on my runs, so I wasn't able to track my speed and I can't tell if there is any improvement yet. When running I was overtaken by a madlad who must have been going like 14km/h for multiple rounds straight. I hope to one day achieve whatever he can do.

    Anyway, this week went steady enough for me to lose all focus on tracking my lifts and runs, so I don't have any specific PRs to mention. I have more than a month left before competing in the trail run and I can already run 5km easily. It should not be a problem 🤞

    How was your week?

  • What do you listen to while working out

  • Swoletarians of the world, unite

  • Weekly exercise thread, August 3rd 2023

    So, the last week was very good for me.

    I did three strength work out focussing mostly on upper body. Weighted push ups have been a great discovery for me because I 1) like to do them and 2) it is so far having a great effect on how my chest looks.

    I also continued my runs. I did my second run of 4.5km run on sunday. I started off pretty quick with 5min25sec per km and I managed to slow down to an average of 6min11sec per km. I feel like with a good amount of training I will be able to set very decent times. To keep myself motivated I have registered myself for a 7km trail run next month and I might do a half marathon in october if I'm feeling up to it.

  • Title

  • Weekly exercise thread, July 26th 2023

    For some reason I can't find any recent posts on this sub, might be an error?

    Anyway, its's back to the grind after a holiday for me. Started with upper body workout at home today, and I had fun doing weighted (incline) push ups. Tomorrow I will go running and do some leg exercises.

    I have an increasing urge to start developing more useful physical strength with running and fighting, because I'm slightly paranoid about the increase of fascism in Western Europe. Many times I have urged the party to allow me to set up a physical development group in our party, but nothing much has come from it yet. Though I must say that before I used to do it because I thought it would be fun to lift with like minded tankies. But I might change my tone to urge the importance of at least some developed physical branch of the party in case shit hits the fan. My paranoia is probably fueled by recently reading books like The Jakarta Method and some fiction books in which war and riots suddenly break out. It would be naive of me to think it will not happen here and I'd rather be a bit paranoid and ready than surprised.

    Anyway, how is your lifting going?

  • Weekly exercise thread, July 5th 2023

    In the past week I have done several full body workouts.

    After finding out that putting weights in my backpack and walking up and down the stairs was a good at home leg workout, I decided to start doing weighted push ups as well. Started with 10kg extra but I feel like being able to add more. I can go up to 25-27kg if needed.

    For the next few weeks I will be going on a holiday and I won't be able to work out much. I'll probably do swimming and some body weight exercises from time to time to keep up routine.

    The weather has turned from sunny, hot and dry to typical Belgian grey, rainy and stormy. This has made taking cold showers a bit harder, as it now is 15 degrees outside when I hop in. Nevertheless I still want to keep it up, as the challenge starts when it gets colder of course.

  • whirlwinds of danger are raging around us

  • Pre Workout, Protein shakes, steroids: which supplements do you use, and how does it work for you?

    Since we're all a bunch of active tankies over here, I wanted to discuss the usage of supplements.

    In Belgium/The Netherlands the majority of the fitfluencers have convinced their young audience that you won't be able to get ripped if you don't take their 40 euro pre workout filled with near lethal amounts of caffeine.

    Of course, you don't need to take all these things in order to improve your physical health. I myself, for example, quit using supplements apart from some vitamin B and calcium supplements (mainly because I eat plant based food and you tend to get shortages of these two things faster). I used to take (vegan) protein shakes for a while but they always upset my stomach and I figured I might as well get my nutrients from food alone.

    What kind of, if any, supplements do you take? And how does it benefit you?

  • A meme

  • Weekly exercise thread, June 27th 2023

  • Been reading into fermentation effects on bean. 75% reduction in soluble sugars and an almost 20% increase in soluble fiber is pretty crazy.

    Not so much workout related but still health related in a way. lol

    The fiber in beans is already good for regulation blood sugar and digestion. Fermenting them would seem to be adding to this impact by greatly reducing the carb load and further increasing the fiber content. Not to mention the fact fermented beans won't give you gas because those compounds get fermented out as well. Also an 8% increase in protein value is nice to boot. Downside is a loss of some vitamin content but I'll take that trade off.

    I'm interested in how it would impact something you can make tofu out of like soy or garbanzo beans. I actually have some garbanzo beans fermenting so I plan to try it out. I made a tofu out of regular rehydrated garbanzo beans by blending them up into a paste. Straining out the liquid which I cooked down. I steamed the solids to cook them then added them back into the liquid once it was thickened. Made a paste that was like mashed potatoes and glue. lol. Once cooled in the fridge though it made a pretty firm and cuttable tofu that had more texture than a normal tofu. Going to try the same technique but with the fermented beans instead and see what happens. lol

  • Just wanted to share this wild DPRK physical strength show lmao

    Weakest North Korean doing tricks
