There isn't any proof that the app you download is built exactly from the source code on github. There could be an intermediate step to inject whatever they want before packaging it for the app stores.
There's also the conspiracy that Signal has been compromised since the beginning as they received initial funding from the CIA. Not sure exactly where I stand on this, but it is plausible.
The protocol itself is open source though so someone could make an open source service with that.
Thats fair. I'm sure they do make some nice cars. I'll admit I have a bias against american cars.
Fr I was quite disappointed when I found out about the prologue and that it is just a GM.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Its supposed to be e2e encrypted messages but I'm skeptical about that too
I saw a recent interview Bernie did with AOC and I learned that she got into politics specifically because she was inspired by Bernie during his presidential run in 2016. Thats something I didn't realize and it explains a lot why we feel a lot of the same energy from them.
Some of us do and were ashamed at how hateful and destructive our fellow Americans can be. And it sucks that they continuously refuse to listen to reason despite the facts laid before them. Most of the supporters I know of have their head firmly in the sand with no idea what's coming.
Idk where you draw that conclusion from. Many of us are quite aware many democrats are in bed with lobbyists. The main issue here is that RFK tries to slander Bernie Sanders who is one of the least corrupt politician we have.
Perhaps if it was in a vacuum but musk has openly shared Nazi propaganda on his social media site that he bought. The ADL is an organization I don't trust
Hello me. Be kind to yourself
I've used mullvad before and it was a great experience. As far as anonymity goes, I don't think you can do any better than mullvad where you even have privacy friendly payment options. That said, I haven't used proton VPN so I'm not sure how they compare feature-wise
Infinite growth within a finite system is literally cancer.
Just ask Barbara Streisand
Your grandma sounds like a terrific human being. Sorry to hear that she has passed. Thanks for sharing.
How are you using lemmy? I use Connect on android and it has a setting for word filters that filter posts you dont want. This drastically improved my exerience once i started using it to filter trump posts.
I'm not convinced he even has a soul
It's a setting. I believe it's under security and privacy. Mines been off since forever, but I'm not sure if I turned it off right away or if it came like that.