An Aroace and agender anti-genocide Israeli brony

#8d078f at 25, 24

#8d078f at 24, 25

#8d078f at 24, 24
Now that the amongus is done I'm gonna do my own thing

#ab0000 at 8,29

#ab0000 at 7, 30

#ab0000 at 7,31

#ab0000 at 8, 32
Can't have the amogus be upside down

#BADA55 at 20, 6
Amogus time

This image has too much colour, bad apples are only black and white.

I recently swapped to Linux Mint and it really was not harder than Windows, and I know functionally nothing on how anything Linux related actually works.

The law doesn't apply to rich people.

I think basically everyone here would press both as many times as they could, there's no downside

You seem knowledgeable about this and I know it's not entirely relevant but I'm planning to swap to Linux soon, what distro would you reccomend I start with?