The more I read the Bible (having read multiple versions) as a teen the more I realized that people who claim to walk as Christ did, in fact do not walk as Christ did. There are exceptions, such as the pastor who I met volunteering at a soup kitchen, but a vast majority only prove my point.
Christ walked among sinners, the down and destitute, tax collectors, sex workers and the "unclean". The same people these self proclaimed men and women of Christ will rebuke and spit on.
I always think back to that scene from Castlevania between the Bishop and the Demon: "my life's work is in his name!" "Your life's work. Makes him puke."
"hey, boss man created a JIRA ticket for the revolution, they wanna know how many story points we think that will be." 😂
Holy shit it's AGILE....
I still remember when I met a pilot who majored in geology. I asked him "you know the irony in that right?" He says "yep. But hey at least I can tell you about the mountain we're about to crash into."
Industrial diamonds have always been on the cheap and that industry is far removed from the jewelry/gem industry, in fact a large majority of diamonds that are mined aren't gem grade, they're industrial grade. It's been growing and advancing despite the jewelry/gem market starting to fall.
Also because newer generations just aren't sold on diamonds being a luxury item anymore. Your average Joe just isn't paying their rent or more on a diamond engagement/wedding ring like they used to because, well, that's their rent payment or mortgage for something that's gonna lose value the second they walk out of the store.
God... Imagine being in the middle of an important call for say discussing family affairs for a dying family member and you just hear "there will be a 30 second advertisement break in 1 minute."... I'd probably pop a blood vessel.
A WELL TRAINED AI can be a very useful tool. However the AI models that corporations want to use aren't exactly what I'd call "well trained" because that costs money. So they figure "we'll just let it learn by doing. Who cares if people get hurt in the meantime. We'll just blame the devs for it being bad."
Edit: to add this is partly why AI gets a bad rap from folks on the outside looking it. Corporations institute barebones, born yesterday AI models that don't know their ass from their elbow because they can't be bothered to pay the devs to actually train them but when shit goes south they turn around and blame the devs for a bad product instead of admitting they cut corners. It's China Syndrome but instead of nuclear reactors it's AI.
That's probably the point. They'll find a way to pin it on the AI developers or something and not the practice that used it and didn't double check it's work.
Although I feel like this is just the first step. Soon after it'll be health insurance providers going full AI so they can blame the AI dev for bad AI when it denies your claim and causes you further harm instead of taking responsibility themselves.
It's a matter of finding where the line between cost and user satisfaction meet.
Like sure you could limit all videos to 60fps @ 720p or 30fps @ 1080p but most everyone now wants everything 120fps @ 2160p which takes up dozens of gigs per video and eats up bandwidth.
I feel sorry for Wozniak... Watching the company he helped build turn into what it has.
I think a big part of that is just straight up storage space, more specially a lack thereof. Google won't release specifics but estimates put the total data stored by YouTube at somewhere near an exabyte (1 million terrabytes). Most of which is made up by video files.
Of course that's just issue number 1 of many to figure out.
Yea peertube is rough... Mostly in part due to, in my opinion at least, people wanting to make use of YouTube's ad revenue system even tho most creators I watch making most of their income via donations rather than ad revenue.