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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Do nothing. Win
  • Stability, reliability, don't fix it if it ain't broke.

    Some companies have a need to reinvent them every 6 months to justify some middle Manager's existence so they can pad their resume for the next overpaid job position.

    This Is what it looks like when you don't have that problem

  • How do you deploy in 10 seconds?
  • I frequently amaze new colleagues when I show them that deploying an update for our backend application is a sub-second affair. Our pipeline keeps track of what git tag was deployed last, diffs between that tag and the new release, and uploads the files to each of the deployment targets. It takes longer for the pipeline agent to spin up from Cold on a Monday morning, than it does to actually deploy.

    The core of the application is just php scripts, and those are either immediately up to date whenever the next call is, or swapped out the next time that component finishes a processing cycle.

    Docker containers are nice, but nothing beats the cause of a stack trace being fixed, tested and deployed to the acceptance environment within minutes of it arriving.

  • Was a HP Thin Client T630 for $10 a good deal? What can I do with it?
  • I mean, for 10 bucks anything is a decent deal. Those specs are pretty decent for a simple home server. I'm not familiar with HP thin clients, but I assume you can install a Disdro of your choice on it? My big reason to avoid HP is their crap software and warranties, both of which are moot here.

    I would say relatively light software like tailscale, pihole and such would be fine. Docker containers might be pushing it, but that depends largely on what containers you want to run, same goes for nginx; by itself the requirements are fairly low, it depends on what you want to run on it.

    Jellyfin might be a stretch, and as you alluded to, real-time transcoding is probably out. It strongly depends on the decoding capabilities of that chip and wether it does hardware decoding or if it all happens in software. The latter might be too much for it. If it can handle it though, it might be interesting as a media player hooked up to a TV, rather than acting as a transcoding or DLNA-esque server.

  • Can a COVID test show your level of infectiousness?
  • The effect you are describing is "viral load"; the degree to which a virus is present in the body. This is an indicator of how infectious you are. It is especially important for people with HIV to see if they are "safe" or need their medication adjusted.

    However, an at-home test will not be a good indicator of this. These have too many variables such as the site that was swabbed, time delays from the various biological functions, how well you used the kit and even variability in the kit itself.

    To properly test for viral load, a blood test should be used. I worked with a company that tested for viral load via expelled breath, and while this was a good indicator of infectiousness y/n, and was faster than a PCR, it was not more accurate.

  • Starfield's first story expansion, Shattered Space is releasing September 30.
  • It honestly wasn't so bad. I played about 80 hours of it, right after launch. In typical Bethesda fashion, I used a few ini tweaks and such to tailor it to my tastes. Mostly fixing the Stealth (which was horribly broken at launch) and balance changes like reducing the bullet spongyness of enemies.

    Both are now patched and configurable through the built-in difficulty settings.

    I enjoyed my time with it. I went in expecting a space-skyrim with typical Bethesda jank, and that's exactly what we got.

  • Help with wheelchair software
  • Thanks! I will pass it along and hopefully we can push for a change. I can't guarantee that anything will happen in the short term, but at the very least we can create some bad publicity for them.

  • Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses?
  • I'm mildly autistic, to the point I do have to put on a "face" and try to act "normal" in social situations. I am generally quite sociable and outgoing, so I don't feel it's held me back. It's just different.

    Both socially and through work I interact with a diverse range of people, and I don't think I am any more different than a British person is from an Italian. I've taken the mindset that if someone has a problem with that difference, it's merely an excuse for their bigotry that would've surfaced for a different reason either way.

    On the flip side, it's been incredibly helpful in my career. I have an affinity for processes and an analytical brain, as well as the ability to disconnect from any discussion emotionally. I have always felt that this stems from my autism and it's allowed me to have business discussions about difficult topics while leaving Ego at the proverbial door.

    So I would say that for me in particular, it's been a positive. Someone having a problem with me being different is just that; their problem, not mine.

  • Help with wheelchair software
  • Hey Op, since you appear to be somewhere in the EU based on your mention of Euro pricing, would you be willing to name and shame the wheelchair manufacturer and/or model?

    Without giving too much of my own personal information away, I might be in a position to cause a bit of ruckus for this particular company in terms of bad PR, possibly legislatively. I work for a company that profiles itself on doing this stuff "the right way" (secure practises, not screwing users this way, etc) and we are working on building a list of practises we are hoping to root out EU-Wide with some examples that are clearly exploitative.

    I need nothing personally identifiable, just the brand and model, and I can pass it along to the team that can investigate further.

  • PHP Moment
  • Tell me you've never used PHP without telling me you've never used PHP.

    It's known for giving a complete stack trace, it's nearest neighbours and their god damn grandkids the moment it so much as coughs up a warning. For the longest time it was notorious for doing this as the default error logging level.

    I'm aware it's cool to hate on PHP, but it has plenty of things to dislike without straight-up inventing nonsense.

  • Cronjobs: When First Connected to Internet
  • Everyone else is just telling you to do things in a way that is different, and while they are correct (you should use a unit.d/systems script for this depending on your distro), I'm going to actually answer your question since I know sometimes you just need a quick and simple way.

    Depending on your version of cron, it may support special statements instead of the * * * * * notation for time.

    The one you want is @reboot. Replace all entries of the schedule syntax with that, including the @, and the command will be executed only once when the system boots up.

    Use that to start a script that checks for network connectivity on a loop with a sleep statement. Break the loop when you have connectivity, then execute your command, and exit the script.

    Don't ignore the correct way though. You're better off executing this as a systemd (or equivalent) script. It's barely more effort, and has the benefit of some nice built in logging and integrations.

  • Palworld has, once again, highlighted the ongoing deficiencies in PC Game Pass and the Xbox app on Windows 11
  • It's doubly absurd considering Microsoft owns one of the biggest build and deployment automation pipelines as part of their Azure offerings. Most of it is aimed at Azure, but so much of the Xbox backend is just Azure under the hood anyway. Azure Pipelines should have had integrations for this on day one.

  • Is there any tool for incremental backup for MySQL to s3 for production usage?
  • My tried-and-tested method has saved my (company's clients) ass a few times.

    Every Mysql/MariaDB server has at least one replication target. This replicant is not used for access by the infra, and can be paused, restarted, etc with no issue and is configured with this in mind.

    We run a mysqldump on the replicant. Depending on the resiliency required, we store the dump on the replicant and/or a third location.

    The tools differ, but the practice applies to pretty much every database system and the database has the benefit of not being interrupted during the backup (replication is paused during the backup, and resumed after completion). This also has the benefit of already having replication configured, and adding a secondary redundant instance you can swap out for the master (or using the backup replicant in a pinch) means disaster recovery is much faster.

    Also, I dislike many things about Azure's offerings, but their Flexible Database for MySQL does the above for you as one nicely packaged solution for a reasonable-but-not-cheap price.

  • Dead Space 3 producer "would redo it almost completely"
  • Well, I suspect they will get their chance. The remake was incredible, and if they can pull it off a second time with DS2, I suspect 3 will follow too.

    The third game had some decent ideas. The weapon crafting was conceptually interesting and thematically appropriate with Isaac being an engineer. The co-op could have been done better, but I had a blast with it.

    Nuke the MTX shit from orbit and redo large swathes of the story though. What they did to Ellie was a disgrace.