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Bug: Comments indented in opposite order.

When viewing individual comment trees, usually by opening a comment from my own history that has replies on it, or just clicking view context: the original comment is the furthest indented, with the replies indented one less, and further replies to those less indented still until the lowest level comment appears as the oc, but at the bottom of the list.

Here's an example:



Incorrect post opening.

I'm pretty frequently having a different post open than the one I click on in my feed. Usually opening a post that's not even on my screen or within a few posts in either direction; it seems to pick one at random.


/Edit: This has been resolved.


Collapsed comment trees re-expand

When viewing comments and collapsing them; if you leave that view for any reason like creating/editing a comment or taping on a username, when you return to those comments they have all expanded again losing the place you've scrolled to.

/edit: This has been resolved.