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Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Holograms All the Way Down"

This one was written by Star Trek: Prodigy's Aaron J. Waltke.

Direct YouTube Link

Direct link to "The Scheimer Barrier, Chapter 4"


Rare Find: Lt. Uhura's Lost Singing Performance at Smithsonian!

Rare Find: Lt. Uhura's Lost Singing Performance at Smithsonian!

Interesting discovery.

@startrek #StarTrek


An amusing survey of weird but readable Treklit offerings

It seems that with long hiatuses in new onscreen Trek ahead, genre coverage is starting to profile Trek novels again.

This set of ten weird but readable books isn’t necessarily the trippiest, but it does put the first of the Shatnerverse books at the top.

(Perhaps there’s yet hope for Shatner’s wild imaginings to make it into S&S monthly Star Trek ebook deals promotional rotation.)


Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Worst Contact"

Here's the direct YouTube link, though the latest issue of the accompanying comic can only be found on the official website.


The 40 best stand-alone TV episodes that can be watched on their own.

The 40 best stand-alone TV episodes that can be watched on their own.

Kind of a funny theme for a list, but “City on the Edge of Forever” made it.

@startrek #StarTrek


Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Holiday Party" link featuring the second chapter of "The Scheimer Barrier".


Canon Connections: Lower Decks 4x01 - Twovix

• The episode title calls back to the VOY season two episode, “Tuvix”, in which Neelix and Tuvok are combined into a single being by due to the unique properties of an alien orchid and the transporter.

• This episode was written by series creator Mike McMahan.

• Boimler [Jack Quaid] has holodeck waste removal duty, a task Mariner [Tawny Newsome] was assigned in “Moist Vessel” as part of a plan to get her to transfer off the USS Cerritos.

• It’s the USS Voyager! From Star Trek!

     • The VOY theme plays as we see the ship, and again later when the ship is landed on Earth.

Voyager has been transformed into a museum piece. We see the ship displayed at the fleet museum in “The Bounty” some 20 years later. Exhibits on the ship commemorating the Voyager crew’s adventures include:

     • The Borg regeneration alcoves in Cargo Bay 2. One of the Cargo Bay 2s, anyway. - Established in “Scorpion, Part II”

     • The galley converted from what would have been the captain’s private dining hall, including authentic Talaxian foodstuffs.

     • The bridge.

     • The ”Neelix cheese”. - From “Learning Curve”

     • Janeway and Tom Paris’ hyper-evolved salamander forms after travelling at Warp 10. - Seen in “Threshold”

• The large battle in the title sequence has been updated again. In addition to Borg Cubes, Romulan Warbirds (season one), Klingon Birds-of-Prey, Pakled Clumpships (season two), and Crystalline Entity (season three), there is now a Breen Interceptor, and the Whale Probe introduced in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”.

     • We can hear the Whale Probe’s call before the Cerritos warps away.

• Cap’n Freeman records the stardate as 58724.3 in her log.

• Tendi [Noël Wells] is moving a containment unit holding the orchid introduced in “Tuvix” when the lid pops off and a petal floats through the ventilation system into the transporter room.

• Billups tells Doctor T’Ana about the pet dragon he had growing up. Billups was established as coming from the Hysperian colony settled by “Ren faire type” people in “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”

• Billups and Doctor T’Ana are combined into a single being calling himself T’Illups. Much like Tuvix, the yoke of T’Illups’ uniform has a floral pattern.

• Throughout the episode, more characters get Tuvixed:

     • Cap’n Freeman and Doctor Migleemo - Captain Doctor Frigleeman

     • Shaxs and Barnes - Shabarnes

     • Bartender Honus and Transporter Chief Lundy - Chondus

     • Matt the whale and Steve Stevens - Swhale Swhalens

     • Nurse Westlake and Jennifer - We don’t actually see the combined form

”She knows Janeway straight up murdered Tuvix, right?” This is an accurate description of the conclusion of that episode.

• Mariner accidently opens a panel on the Voyager bridge, releasing one of the Tak Takian macroviruses introduced in “Macrocosm”.

“Uh, you know, Chakotay served here.” Technically true up until about season five of VOY, at which point the only characters aboard the ship were Seven of Nine, the Doctor, and sometimes Captain Janeway.

”Dude, this is nothing compared to, you know, that Pike thing we aren’t supposed to talk about.” Mariner is referring to the events of “Those Old Scientists”.

”How many…physical memories do you have from before?” Shaxs and Doctor T’Ana have an intimate relationship, implied at least as far back as "Mugato, Gumato".

• One of the macroviruses impacts a panel, causing it to create holograms of Doctor Chaotica from “Night”, the Clown from “The Thaw”, and Michael Sullivan from “Fairhaven”.

     • While Chaotica and Sullivan were holodeck characters created by Tom Paris, the Clown was a manifestation of the fears of five aliens neurally linked together in stasis. Mariner does point out that the Clown wasn’t a holodeck program.

     • Martin Rayner, Michael McKean, and Fintan McKeown are not credited for the episode, so it would seem that none of them are reprising their roles.

• Beljo Tweekle installed holo-emitters throughout the ship. In “The Killing Game” the Hirogen did the same, for the purposes of their wargame simulations with the Voyager crew.

• One of the marcoviruses has Harry Kim’s clarinet. It was established in “Caretaker” that Kim played the instrument, though he gave it up in favour of the saxophone by season six’s “Ashes to Ashes”.

• A Borg nanite attempts to assimilate to macrovirus, becoming a macronanite.

“Computer, delete this guy! Come on, computer!” In “Fairhaven” Janeway uttered her famous line, “Delete the wife,” regarding Sullivan’s spouse.

     • “I miss my wife.” Apparently at some point Sullivan’s memories of his wife were restored to him, or he remarried.

• Boimler is concerned that if he’s promoted, it will negatively impact his relationship with Mariner, just as it did when he accepted the promotion to the USS Titan and left without telling any of his friends, or answering Mariner’s messages, in “No Small Parts”.

• Mariner was sent to Starbase 80 in “Trusted Sources”.

• T’Lyn is able to combine all the Tuvixed beings into one creature, which is then described by Tendi as a “Non-sentient blob of meat,” handily circumventing the ethical dilemma presented by “Tuvix”.

• Boimler claims to be the son of Captain Proton, the character whom Tom Paris played in these simulations, and Doctor Chaotica’s mortal enemy. First seen in “Night”.

• Rutherford [Eugene Cordero] gums up Voyager with the brill cheese as it did on it’s own in “Learning Curve”.

• Boimler, T’Lyn, Tendi, and Mariner all get promoted to lieutenant junior grade. Mariner was briefly a full lieutenant in “Moist Vessel”, and Boimler was lieutenant junior grade while serving aboard the Titan in “No Small Parts”, “Strange Energies” and “Kayshon, His Eyes Open”.

”My main objective here is to prove to the High Council that I should be reinstated to the Vulcan fleet.” T’Lyn was believes her provisional assignment to Starfleet is an unwarranted punishment, as per “wej Duj”.

• It’s the IKS Che’Ta’! From Star Trek! Specifically from “wej Duj”

     • The Mysterious Threat destroys the Che’Ta’, but even though we see a close up of the wreckage, including a spear and bloodwine barrel, but no bodies.


What Trek books do you have?

Just looking to see what everyone has. Maybe we can all learn of some new ones to add to the collection!

I don't have a whole lot.


First Star Trek Day Fans Convention host in China


Hollywood Strikes ‘Star Trek’ Day Celebrates 57 Years Of Franchise – Deadline

Hollywood Strikes ‘Star Trek’ Day Celebrates 57 Years Of Franchise – Deadline

Meanwhile on Star Trek Day.

@startrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDay #WGAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrike


Star Trek Explorer mag to include original DS9 story by David Mack David Mack (

Attached: 1 image Ahoy, Treklit fans! On Tuesday, Sept. 12, Titan will publish STAR TREK EXPLORER #8. It contains my new original Star Trek: Deep Space Nine short story, “Lost and Founder,” which finds Odo “in a reflective mood.” Also, stay tuned for news about my upcoming new short story in Star ...

David Mack (

The rebranded Star Trek magazine Explorer, published by Titan, is including original fiction.

For those who are fans of, this month’s issue may be one to add to your purchases if you’re not planning to already.


Star Trek - Fleet Command - Lower Decks 2 Part 1 Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


I don't know if there is much of a community here for this type of game, but the next arc of Star Trek Fleet Command is going to be a Lower Decks one.

It includes:

Ships: The Monaveen (Billups' mom's ship)


  • Captain Carol Freeman
  • Jack Ransom
  • Andy Billups

More details can be found here.


Announcement: will be read-only for a while, and down for a few hours while we migrate hosts (Sept 4th) EDIT- we're back!

EDIT: We are back, see this thread in /c/Quark's It's read-only so that we don't miss anything while all our isolinear chips get backed up. Apologies for the inconvenience and we'll resume full-power systems ASAP.


Westwood's historic Crest Theatre reopens as the Nimoy - Los Angeles Times


Lower Decks Season 4 - prerelease pro media reviews released - Inverse, SlashFilm and more…

Season-long prerelease reviews are an exception to this community’s rules about posting reviews. (The mods prefer our members to prefer to post their own episode reviews here.)

It seems that today’s the day that Paramount’s embargo on ‘spoiler free’ (in theory) season reviews for Lower Decks season 4 comes off, and the first pro reviews are now posted by some who have seen the screeners.

From Inverse:

> - each one of these 30-minute episodes is nearly perfect. Just as the USS Cerritos presents the workhorse of Starfleet, with Season 4, Lower Decks again proves it is the workhorse of the entire Star Trek franchise.

From SlashFilm - view with caution, a bit more spoilery

> - /Film Rating: 9 out of

Any to add to the list?


Early Review: ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 4 Levels Up But Keeps The Laughs

Early Review: ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 4 Levels Up But Keeps The Laughs

Light spoilers within.

@startrek #StarTrek #StarTrekLowerDecks


ST VOY S7E10 - Shattered - What does Janeway's comment at the end about the temporal prime directive actually mean?

Wikipedia link

This is the episode where voyager is fractured into different time periods, some in the past, actually most in the past, and one in the future, each located in a different region of the ship, with Chakotay being able to move freely between the time periods. He's trying to return the ship to a single timeline, recruits past Janeway to help him (with some dialogue essentially foreshadowing Endgame), and manages to do so after dealing with Seska, who's on the ship in her past time period, causing some trouble.

It's a nice episode and a good way to do a sort of flashback/clips episode but also develops some nice Janeway-Chakotay character.

At the end, when things have been restored, Chakotay tells Janeway that he can't tell her what happened because of the temporal prime directive. Janeway then reveals that she knows where Chakotay's secrete stash of cider is located, which was revealed to past Janeway earlier in the episode. Chakotay asks how she knows, and she says she can't reveal because of the temporal prime directive.

The whole thing is done as light banter ... but, are we supposed to take this seriously and understand that past Janeway actually remembers her conversations with Chakotay during their movements between the time periods? It makes sense that she would, as both her and Chakotay were given a treatment that enabled them to cross the time fractures without being erased. If Chakotay retains his memories, shouldn't past Janeway have also?

If true, then in the timeline Chakotay finds himself in, Janeway has known the whole time of the rough plot of the whole voyager series up to season 7. Which would be a huge statement, especially if it's that same Janeway(s) in Endgame. You have to remember that this past Janeway was from before they even got to the Delta Quadrant. Awkwardly, as the whole crew is eventually enabled to cross time barriers, many of them from the past, including Borg Seven, they'd all have some memories of what's to come (though arguably not nearly as many as Janeway).

The only argument I can think of for why past Janeway wouldn't actually have retained her memories is that the ship was restored back to the time of the cause of the fracturing, which was an anomaly of some sort in Chakotay's time, and which Chakotay prevented from happening, and so altered all the timelines affected by the fracturing. Having not thought this through enough, I'm not sure how much sense that makes, or should make. But still, why Janeway's comment at the end ... the only on-screen way she could have of knowing about the secret stash is by retaining her memories as past Janeway.


Murf photobombed the Star Trek Day Animated Celebration Poster! spotted Murf in the poster in the promotional announcement for Star Trek Day.

Nmyownworld’s mention on the Star Trek Day thread was great, but I thought it would be great to amplify it. So here is the image with the colour intensity dialed up a bit and Murf circled to be easier to spot.

StarTrek Prodigy Lives!!!


#SaveStarTrekProdigy skywriting in LA earlier today past Netflix and Amazon offices

For those not already aware, Michele Stokes a fan in the UK raised over $US 1200 through a GoFundMe to pay for a skywriter with a #SAVESTARTREKPRODIGY banner.

It flew midday today in LA. The ScreenRant article captures much of the social media including a few videos, and the reactions of the Hageman Brothers and

Michele Stokes is also the fan who started the petition to Save Star Trek Prodigy. It’s been progressing slowly since it surpassed 30k signatures during SDCC, and is very close to 33k now. If you haven’t signed and are willing to deal with the platform (which is now monetized), Prodigy could still benefit from your support.


#SaveStarTrekProdigy - fans have booked a skywriter for LA! Aaron J. Waltke (

Attached: 2 images I can’t believe #StarTrekProdigy fans managed to hire a skywriter in their campaign to save our show. Incredible! If any Star Trek fans sees the banner flying over Los Angeles this Thursday at 11:30AM, please snap a pic for us! 🖖🏼

Aaron J. Waltke ( has shared the news on Mastodon.

The GoFundMe has exceeded its goal. The organizer described it as follows:

> The plan is to hire either a skywriter or sky banner to make passes over the offices of potential new homes for Star Trek Prodigy, namely Amazon, Netflix, etc. The more we're able to raise, the more streamers we'll be able to lobby and the louder we'll be able to shout about what an amazing show Star Trek Prodigy is - for fans of all ages.

Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Holograms All the Way Down"
  • @RootBeerGuy @ValueSubtracted I agree. They feel written by people who dislike ST.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So what I think you want is the DS9 era Klingon emblem.

    Check out this eBay listing:

    According to this article this is the banner that was used on the Promenade in DS9. This is a “chair drape” (whatever that is) but maybe you could use it as a flag, convert it to a flag, or have a custom flag made based on this?

  • BTS Video: Not-So-Lower Decks: The Crew Gets Promotions
  • @Admin Yes, it's repeatable on that post. This is the first time I've seen the problem since we last spoke.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • In addition to the STLV group guide, Inhave found the flowchart created and maintained by the Trek Collective super helpful.

    Here’s a screenshot of the current version to give you a sense of it. Suggest bookmarking the link embedded above.

  • Preview “Empathalogical Fallacies” With First Images From ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Episode 405
  • Based on the party crasher's garb, looks like we'll be getting a more Billups centered story. Haven't seen enough of him this season.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @Wooster @LtLiana There’s also the interesting examples of John M Ford’s Klingons and Diane Duane’s Romulans - both of those authors’ works became touchstones for others - until TNG sort of swept away the Klinzhai and Rihansuu

  • BTS Video: Not-So-Lower Decks: The Crew Gets Promotions
  • @Admin I just encountered it again, in the post at Clicking on the link in the post is OK. Clicking on thhe thumbnail, though, delivers the JSON in a new window.

  • "You know Ben, I'm glad I killed your wife"
  • Those two are characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Benjamin Sisko. A couple of things are required for the joke to make sense.

    The first is that Picard was previously assimilated by a cybernetic species called Borg. They kidnap individuals and plug them into their hivemind, erasing all traces of individuality while also gaining every piece of information that the individual knows. When the Borg assimilated Picard, they used his information to launch an attack on the Federation. A massive battle ensued at a star system called Wolf 359 where a large number of Starfleet vessels were utterly destroyed by the Borg, including the ships of Sisko and his wife. Sisko survived. His wife did not. Picard is eventually retrieved from the Borg and 'unassimilated', carrying on with his life.

    Many years later, Picard is abducted by a group of aliens called 'Cardassians'. In an attempt to get information from Picard, they torture him in a variety of ways but one in particular is shining four lights in his face and insisting there are actually 5. It's an attempt to break Picard mentally and make him question everything. After being brought to a breaking point, Picard is saved. As he's being taken away, Picard turns to his torturer and screams "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS" into his face as a sign of his defiance and showing that the torturer did not break him. Privately, Picard did say to his counselor that for a moment he could see five lights.

    The joke involves Sisko making fun of Picards torture because Sisko partially (if not fully, in some ways) blames Picard for the death of his wife. The title joke then throws the joke back in Siskos face saying "yeah yeah, lights but your wife is dead lol".

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @mycatiskai @startrek I’ve always been uncomfortable with how much Star Wars fandom has embraced the iconography of the Empire.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x04 "Something Borrowed, Something Green"
  • has this covered.

    See his post.

    It looks like the Orion alphabet and language has a one-to-one correlation with English, just for laughs.

  • Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Worst Contact"
  • Is it bad etiquette to link directly to the comic? I don't see any other monetization on it; seems promotional?

  • I'm sorry but Very Short Treks is horrible
  • As an aside, I encourage everyone to check out the accompanying comics - they're not exactly deep, but I'm finding them much more entertaining than the actual shorts - they're basically a Star Trekkification of "Duck Amuck".

    Issue 1

    Issue 2

    Issue 3