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🎂 The Pirate Bay Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary The Pirate Bay Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary * TorrentFreak

The Pirate Bay celebrates its 20th anniversary today. The site had many setbacks over the years but remains online today.

The Pirate Bay celebrates its 20th anniversary today. Founded in 2003 by a collective of hackers and activists, the small Swedish BitTorrent tracker grew to become a global icon for online piracy. The rebellious torrent site has a turbulent history and clashed with law enforcement authorities on multiple occasions. Despite these setbacks, it remains online today.


TorrentFreak TV

In October 2008 through to March 2011 TorrentFreak ran a short lived video news service titled '', directed by Andrej Preston, founder of torrent site Suprnova made available for streaming and download on Mininova.

Season One:

Season Two: