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Making The Switch: Intermediate User Perspective

This will be a bit long, so feel free to skip to the end tl;dr.

I've been a long time user of Linux. Back in the day I would burn live CDs like Slackware and Mandrake to try out. There was even that one distro that fit on a floppy, Damn Small Linux. More recently, I manage several Debian-based servers and a Raspbian system. However, I felt stuck daily-driving Windows due to game support. Thankfully, that is no longer the case, so I decided to make the switch. Just wanted to share some observations I've made in the course of that.

A little while ago, I setup a laptop for a family member with Mint, primarily based on popularity and community recommendation. At the same time, I installed Mint on a laptop and used it for a bit. It's basically a backup laptop, so the intention was to have something stable and easy to use/update. I found Mint nice at first, but some cracks started showing after a bit, and eventually I became frustrated with Cinnamon. Since I am familiar with Arch, and it allows for choice of DE (if any), I decided to stick with it for the foreseeable future.

Current Setups

  • Desktop: Arch, BTRFS, KDE, Wayland
  • Laptop: Arch, FDE, BTRFS, Hyprland
  • Home "server": Arch, Gnome, Wayland (mainly run headless, for AI workloads)


I hadn't used KDE since the days when Plasma was in beta. It was a complete mess then. Things have matured quite a bit since then, so I decided to give a shot again for the desktop. I think, mainly, I wanted to familiarity of tray icons and such.

KDE has been great! I love the amount of pointless eye-candy I can enable, and the things that can be customized. Over the last few months, I've experienced a couple crashes which seem to be related to kwin. There's also a weird issue where powerdevil (or something related to it) is resetting one or more of my monitor's brightness when it shouldn't be.


Since I don't recall using a tiling WM seriously, I thought it'd be fun to try out Hyprland. It also fits well with the laptop, a Thinkpad X390, having an older intel processor and constrained thermal/power situation. Because I'm lazy, I chose a mostly pre-configured setup from JaKooLit. I like the look of it, and the other ones I considered require Network-Manager, so they were a no go.

Like with KDE, Hyprland has been great! It took less time than I expected to get accustomed to it, and everything mostly just works as expected. The main hiccups seem to come from software which renders in a fixed size, which isn't surprising. I also like there is a tree-sitter plugin for the DSL.


I hadn't used Gnome much since the old days. It was a lot different then. It's hanging out on the so-called server, but I've only used it enough to get everything setup the way I like. GDM is disabled on startup.

My experience with Gnome is mixed. I like how "sleek" it is, but not that I need to install extensions for everything. If I were to use it daily, I'm sure I'd get used to it. Even then, GSettings/dconf sucks. I really don't get the design decision to create what is essentially the Windows registry, but on Linux.


Previously, I mainly stuck ext2/3/4, because it was familiar and easy. In this recent switch, I was looking for some more advanced features. After looking into ZFS a bit, I decided it wasn't for me. Too complicated, not in mainline kernel. So, BTRFS it is.

After some initial confusion, I'm really happy with BTRFS. I have automated snapshots with yabsnap, which has already proven helpful when I may have clobbered a system library and everything was messed up. The transparent compression is great as well.


Having used vim for several years, it seemed fitting to migrate to nvim. I quite like the support for Lua, and the wealth of themes, plugins and so forth. Using Lazy means I can pretty much just copy over a config and be up and running on a new/remote system with no fuss.


Lutris is what I'm using to help facilitate running Windows-only games. Ultimately, it's a very nice piece of software, but is lacking in detailed documentation and sometimes requires reviewing logs to see what might be going wrong. Something I really like is the ability to wine/proton runtimes if the default isn't working. The simple GUI layout with box art is refreshing as well.


Some people really dislike systemd, and I get it. But I like it. I've fully embraced it alongside extras like networkd, timesyncd, and resolved. Need to do something on a schedule? Write a quick service and timer, then check on it once in a while. It's not quite as succinct as cron, but I prefer the consistent declarative syntax. I was very happy to discover wg2nd, which allowed me to convert my wireguard config files into networkd configs.


I'm using borgmatic, which automates borg, for backups. This is done daily, for all important files and the system partitions. Really couldn't be easier. In contrast, there are not a lot of advanced FOSS backup solutions for Windows, so I would manually run system partition backups there.

Hardware Support

I was pleasantly surprised to find my printer, an older Canon AIO, was supported by Gutenprint. My plan was to buy a new Brother laser printer, but I managed to get the existing one to work both via USB and wireless. This is great, as the Canon still technically works and I can get random "re-manufactured" cartridges on the cheap. I say technically because it's getting more noisy over time, squeaking, and really seeming to struggle. We'll see if it holds up.

All the other stuff, aside from fingerprint reader, work as expected. This is a far cry from 10-20 years ago. Great to see.

Overall Thoughts

Linux Desktop 2025 Edition has been awesome. Basically everything works better than I expected. Crashes less than the competition in my experience. I have the freedom, as a power user, to customize the experience. There are also no ads.

That said, I still have a Windows laptop for school, because they require it. I'm hating it more every day. There is one particular piece of software that only exists for Mac/Windows which means I can't retire that system, yet. This particular school has recently bought even more into MS. I'd drop them if I knew of any alternatives that weren't caught up in the same thing.

Should you switch to daily driving Linux? Yes, especially if you have some prior experience.


Linux has come quite a ways in the past couple decades and now is a great experience outside of some very specialized software/hardware.


Clipboard saves history across sessions even when set up not to

I'm running KDE on Nobara, and every time I power on my computer, there's something in the clipboard leftover from the previous session despite that setting being turned off. I'm not 100% sure, but sometimes I think that it's not even the last thing I copied. I'd have to make a mental note to check every time.

Is there something I can do to fix this besides the basic system settings dialog?

So far it looks like KDEConnect may be passing my clipboard back and forth between my PC and my phone. I'll have to wait and see how it changes after disabling clipboard sharing.

EDIT: The next day, I'm going to say this solved the issue for me. For anyone else wondering, in the KDEConnect settings, you can either disable clipboard sharing entirely or prevent automatically sharing the clipboard, which lets you manually share the clipboard only when you want to.



Help for searching a new distro

Hi everyone. I have an old ASUS S56C and I use it everyday for web (Firefox) and graphic design (Photoshop with Bottles, Inkscape). I have used for years Lubuntu, and it was all good with LXDE ambient, but with the latest versions it switched to LXQT and with snaps I don't feel it comfortable anymore.

So, I'm looking for another easy weight lightweight distro, no fancy, only for Firefox, Bottles and Inkscape. I'm opened to any suggestions. Thanks in advance to everyone.

EDIT: Thank you all for your time and answers. I've read them all and I think I will start with Debian with LXDE. Thank you all again.


How to use MPV IPC to display both media title name and progress bar?

Hey, I am trying to create an IPC command that shows both the media title and the progress bar.

So far, show-progress displays the bar and the elapse time.

And I can use show-text "${media-title}" to show the title.

But I can't seem to do both.

I saw this in the docs

``` show-text <text> [<duration>|-1 [<level>]] Show text on the OSD. The string can contain properties, which are expanded as described in Property Expansion. This can be used to show playback time, filename, and so on. no-osd has no effect on this command.

<duration> The time in ms to show the message for. By default, it uses the same value as --osd-duration.

<level> The minimum OSD level to show the text at (see --osd-level). ```

And thought the level=3 is what I needed, but doing

show-text abc 2000 1

shows the text and

show-text abc 2000 3

shows nothing.

I tried chaining show-progress with show-text, but that also doesn't work cause they override each other.

Any help would be appreciated, cause I feel like I am missing something simple here

EDIT: I've found a solution. Apparently we have to use set osg-msg3 your-text-here; show-progress, to create the text at a high enough OSD level such that it isn't overridden by the progress bar. Strange that we have set osd-msg and show-text to display text


given up on wifi(solved)

>Solved: thanks to u/; remember to add these USE flags to wpa_supplicant

>net-wireless/wpa_supplicant wps wep ap fasteap eap-sim tkip uncommon-eap-types

I am facing this peculiar issue that i can connect to every WiFi connection except my router, it's a recent gentoo install with no display server, i am using a D-link WiFi USB card

What I have tried:

  • using iw dev (device) scan to list the ssid and try connecting with wpa_supplicant
    • dhcpcd waits for connection then times out (does connect succesfully to my phones hotspot)
  • gave up and spent 3 hours compiling NetworkManager
    • every ssid shows up in nmcli dev wifi list except my router
    • forcing a connection passing bssid shows id not found
    • manually setting the connection using nmcli add also does not work
    • iw dev (device) scan lists my routers ssid along with others
    • nothing is blocked in NetworkManager and I spent hours going back and forth with chatgpt trying to force a connection to no avail
  • tried changing router setting(including changing broadcasting channels verifying, black lists etc)

What i have ruled out

  • its not the dlink wifi card or the laptop, I can connect to my router just fine using nmcli in a live fedora instance on the same laptop

I have tried every conceivable thing and I cant find what the issue is, it's like my router and Gentoo have some bad blood between them


Suggestions for my next distro

I am looking to switch to a different Linux distribution (or BSD). I currently use openSUSE Tumbleweed, which is quite nice, but I'm having issues with my USB ports and it takes a hot second to boot up.

However, the reason I'm asking here instead of going straight to DistroWatch is that my laptop has a problem. When I turn it on, it bootloops unless it's connected to power when I press the button. As such, this distribution would need to be able to handle running for weeks on end without a reboot.

I could get this repaired or replaced, but I have neither the time nor the money to spare.

So, does anyone have any suggestions? Or should I just slap Fedora Kinoite on it and call it a day?

EDIT: I went for Debian FreeBSD, as well as running fwupd, and it's all working now. Thanks!


Convert commonmark links to Headings with spaces to GitHub flavored markdown.


My question was very badly written but the new title reflect the actual question. Thanks to 3 very friendly and dedicated users (@harsh3466 @tuna @learnbyexample) I was able to find a solution for my files, so thank you guys !!!

For those who will randomly come across this post here are 3 possible ways to achieve the desired results.

Solution 1 (

``` #! /bin/bash files="/home/USER/projects/"

mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).\)' "$files")" mdlinks2="$(grep -Po '#.' <<<$mdlinks)"

while IFS= read -r line; do #Converts 1.2 to 1-2 (For a third level heading needs to add a supplementary [0-9]) dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's|(.+[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+.+\))|\1-\2|')" sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" "$files"

#Puts everything to lowercase after a hashtag lowercaselink="$(echo "$dashlink" | sed -r 's|#.+\)|\L&|')" sed -i "s/$dashlink/${lowercaselink}/" "$files"

#Removes spaces (%20) from markdown links after a hashtag spacelink="$(echo "$lowercaselink" | sed 's|%20|-|g')" sed -i "s/$lowercaselink/${spacelink}/" "$files"

done <<<"$mdlinks2" ```

Solution 2 (

sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

Solution 3 (

perl -pe 's/\[[^]]+\]\((?!https?)[^#]*#\K[^)]+(?=\))/lc $&=~s:%20|\d\K\.(?=\d):-:gr/ge'

Relevant links

--- Hi everyone !

I'm in need for some assistance for string manipulation with sed and regex. I tried a whole day to trial & error and look around the web to find a solution however it's way over my capabilities and maybe here are some sed/regex gurus who are willing to give me a helping hand !

With everything I gathered around the web, It seems it's rather a complicated regex and sed substitution, here we go !

What Am I trying to achieve?

I have a lot of markdown guides I want to host on a self-hosted forgejo based git markdown. However the classic markdown links are not the same as one github/forgejo...

Convert the following string: [Some text]( Into

[Some text](

As you can see those are the following requirement:

  • Pattern: [Some text](
  • Only edit what's between parentheses
  • Replace space (%20) with -
  • Everything as lowercase
  • Links are sometimes in nested parentheses
    • e.g. (look here [Some text](
  • Do not change a line that begins with https (external links)

While everything is probably a bit complex as a whole the trickiest part is probably the nested parentheses :/

What I tried

The furthest I got was the following:

``` sed -Ei 's|\(([^\)]+)\)|\L&|g' #make everything between parentheses lowercase

sed -i '/https/ ! s/%20/-/g' #change every %20 occurrence to - ```

These sed/regx substitution are what I put together while roaming the web, but it has a lot a flaws and doesn't work with nested parentheses. Also this would change every %20 occurrence in the file.

The closest solution I found on stackoverflow looks similar but wasn't able to fit to my needs. Actually my lack of regex/sed understanding makes it impossible to adapt to my requirements.


I would appreciate any help even if a change of tool is needed, however I'm more into a learning processes, so a script or CLI alternative is very appreciated :) actually any help is appreciated :D !

Thanks in advance.


Best way to switch a headless server from WiFi to ethernet?

I have a server running Debian that has been connected to WiFi for a long time, but I have since moved it and given it a wired connection. It still seems to be using WiFi though, and in my router settings it shows up as connected through WiFi and not through ethernet.

Now I want to make sure that I can switch over from WiFi to ethernet directly from an ssh-connection so I won't have to connect a screen to get direct access.

What is my best bet here? A lot of the tools I find used for different network operations are not pre-installed, and I don't want to be installing just everything being suggested. Can I solve this by installing network-manager and using nmcli?

EDIT: I also want to disable the wireless card.

EDIT2: No eth-interface shows up when running ip link show, EDIT3: but r8169 0000:02:00.0 enp2s0: renamed from eth0 shows up in dmesg and enp2s0 shows up in ip link show, so I guess it is recongized then.

[SOLVED] EDIT4: I made the modifications manually in etc/network/interfaces, and now it seems to work. I entered the following lines:

auto enp2s0 iface enp2s0 inet dhcp

And then it showed up in my router. I then continued to comment out the lines enabling the wireless interface, and after reboot it works fine still.


swap partition problems

Hello everybody! here's the problem: In my EndeavourOS laptop I had a /swapfile, but couldn't take snapshots with snapper because of it (if I understood correctly). So, I created a 16Gb swap partition using GParted from a live USB. Then, I edited /etc/fstab to remove the line about the swapfile and to add the newly created swap partition: ``` UUID=506d48e6-1cc0-4136-ba55-6f2f187bcdb1 swap swap defaults 0 0

/swapfile none swap sw 0 0


I took the UUID from sh $ sudo blkid /dev/nvme0n1p3: LABEL="swap" UUID="506d48e6-1cc0-4136-ba55-6f2f187bcdb1" TYPE="swap" PARTLABEL="SWAP" PARTUUID="b4543e4e-4623-4317-99aa-086b0e62836e" ...

if I run sudo swapon -a it gets enabled correctly and it all works fine. The problem however is that when I reboot the machine, it gets stuck in the systemd screen saying "a job is running for /dev/disk/etc..." forever, and the only way I have to log in is to boot from a live USB, modify /efi/loader/entries/somethingverylong.conf to add these kernel options: systemd.swap=0 noresume

and then reboot, and manually enable the swap.

I'm not understanding very well what's happening here. why is the system stuck if I don't add these parameters? how can I solve it?

thanks in advance!


Forward packets Wireguard to local subnet, with Nftables.


I would like to forward packets that come from a wireguard connection to a local subnet

  • Client: connected to server trough wireguard IP 192.168.X.2
  • server: connected to Client trough wireguard IP 192.168.X.1 and 192.168.Y.1 ( it's not systemd free ¯\\(ツ)/¯ &nbsp;)
  • aMachine: on the same subnet as server IP 192.168.Y.2

&nbsp; &nbsp;

on the server I've done bash #I don't know if this is necessary ? echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl --system

I've added the following rule to the nftables config on server but it seem the packet get lost ?

nft #added inside existing table `table ip Tip {}` chain chPreRoute { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; iif wg0 icmp type echo-request dnat to 192.168.Y.2 }


Fixing wrongly set environment variable in Flatseal (when Flatseal won't run)?

SOLVED: BananaTrifleViolin's post contains the solution.

Flatseal won't start by itself anymore, which is a known issue. I got it running by running

GSK_RENDERER=gl com.github.tchx84.Flatseal

and inspired by a response in the above linked issue, I wanted to add GSK_RENDERER=gl as a variable in Flatseal so I could open it without having to manually run this in the terminal.

However, I seem to have screwed that up, and written GSK_RENDERER=ng instead, because the application still won't run, and now I get the following output anytime I try to open it by the method above:

(com.github.tchx84.Flatseal:2): Gsk-WARNING **: 22:09:54.997: Unrecognized renderer "ng". Try GSK_RENDERER=help MESA-INTEL: warning: ../src/intel/vulkan/anv_formats.c:782: FINISHME: support YUV colorspace with DRM format modifiers MESA-INTEL: warning: ../src/intel/vulkan/anv_formats.c:814: FINISHME: support more multi-planar formats with DRM modifiers Gdk-Message: 22:09:55.406: Error 71 (Protocol error) dispatching to Wayland display.

However, I can't for the life of me seem to correct this. I've tried running the above command again, I've tried overriding it with flatpak:

flatpak override --env=GSK_RENDERER=gl com.github.tchx84.Flatseal (which yielded a "permission denied", and nothing happening after running with sudo)

I've reinstalled the applications several times, including removing the config files from ~/.var/app/com.github.tchx84.Flatseal and checked that /var/app/ does not contain any config files.

I just want to reset the user input changes I made to this flatpak and start over, but I'm getting no where...


Suspend doesn't work on my Fedora Workstation 41


Edit: Solved using workaround of creating a systemd service that disables GPP0 wakeup:


Hey everyone!

The suspend feature has never worked on my system, so I always turned it off in the settings. But now, with the electricity prices going up in my country (we have the most expensive electricity in Europe, lol), I figured it’s a good time to tackle this.

When the system tries to go into sleep mode, it just wakes up right away, and the monitors don’t show anything (no signal). I’ve got a backlit keyboard and an RGB mouse, but they don’t light up during this, and the caps lock key doesn’t respond when I press it.

I’m on kernel 6.12.7 and I updated the BIOS a few days ago, but the problem is still there.

My hardware:

  • CPU: Ryzen 5 5600
  • MOBO: GIGABYTE B550 GAMING X V2 (rev. 1.3)
  • GPU: RX 6700 XT
  • PSU: SilentiumPC Supremo M2 (600W I guess?)
  • CASE: be quiet! Pure Base DX500

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, I would really appreciate your help!


Issues with Discord

Hey all, had some weirdness with the native discord app on Arch today. Was trying to screen share and discord just noped, went hunting for logs but no dice. I tried a few different programs with screen share, but it just seems to completely nuke disord. Any ideas? Anyone else have the same issue? Any clue where I might find crash logs?

Edit: installed Vesktop, problem went away, thanks everyone for the input.


Adjusting screen resolution/font/icon size for a new user

As per the title, I have a newcomer into linux that handed me a laptop to install with a recommended distro.

Being a user very much used to windows, I opted to install Lnx Mint, considering this person may also want to game a little bit in the future.

Install went flawlessly but the screen resolution is so high the fonts and desktop icons were so small it made difficult to read the icons text.

I tried to tweak the icons and fonts to usuable size but the overall feel of the desktop is still... stretched, for lack of a better word.

The laptop is a mistery brand, running a full Intel machine. And I say mistery because when I took a look into windows, the touchpad was identified as a Lenovo, but the machine is just an unbranded generic one.

Hardware profile

  • Intel Core i3-500SU
  • 8GB RAM
  • Intel HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2), 1920x1080 max resolution, on 14.2 inch screen

Any suggestions on how to solve the issue?


The solution was a mix between changing desktop environment (Mate => Cinnamon) and adjusting the font size and scaling factor.

As always, Linux rules and the community behind it is made up of bosses!


Plasmashell started crashing every time I interact with the panel

Fedora KDE, Wayland, Nvidia, proprietary drivers. Everything worked fine until suddenly plasmashell started crashing every time I interact with with the plasma panel. On x11 this doesn't happen, but instead the the whole video freezes while audio continues, and after a while it comes back. The plasma panel may or may not be frozen after this.

Is this an Nvidia problem again?

Logs coming in a couple minutes


Use Rsync Daemon with SSH !?


I need to setup a Rsync server to backup a 😡 NAS.

So I want to run it under SSH.

man rsync

> Also note that the rsync daemon protocol does not currently provide any encryption of the data that is transferred over the connection. Only authentication is provided. Use ssh as the transport if you want encryption.

but when I do rsync --config=/etc/rsyncd.conf --rsh=ssh --dry-run\ I get: > rsync: --rsh=ssh: unknown option (in daemon mode) So there no way to specify that rsync daemon should run under ssh ?

Also is this following A.I statement is correct ? > The rsyncd.conf file is only used when the rsync daemon is running on the remote host and the client connects to the daemon directly, without using an SSH connection.

So there is no way with Rsync (under ssh) to set settings (config file or other) that will apply to all clients !!??\ So it's the client that configure rsync and the server !? there is no way around ?!


Tech support: Postfix + Dovecot mail server, can't receive mail or log in via Thunderbird

Hi there, was thinking around of the best place to post this. Initially I thought maybe the Dovecot mailing list but I'm not sure if this is a Dovecot issue or if the issue lies with Postfix, so I figured maybe a more general Linux community. If people have suggestions about where I could post this that may have more people see it who are able/willing to help, I would also appreciate that.

I apologise, this post will probably be quite long, so I really do appreciate if anyone takes the time to read it and give advice.

Anyway, I was following this tutorial to set up a mail server with Postfix and Dovecot. The tutorial is for Ubuntu but I am using an Alpine Linux server, however the tutorial mostly concerns configuring Postfix and Dovecot which is distro-independent.

Deviations from the tutorial

I followed the tutorial with the exceptions of the following (deviations listed in order of the part of the tutorial they deviated from, so hopefully this is easy to follow linearly):

My server's hostname is not ( is what my MX record points to), but this shouldn't really matter as I configured postfix with:


I installed packages with apk not apt obviously, and installed Postfix with doas apk add postfix.

I didn't get the ncurses Postfix configuration popup when I installed or started Postfix.

Alpine doesn't auto-start the Postfix service, so I did

sh doas rc-update add postfix default doas rc-service postfix start

I used doas apk add mailutils --update-cache --repository to install and test the mail program.

I didn't increase attachment size limit.

Alpine doesn't seem to have a dovecot-imapd package, so I just installed dovecot and dovecot-lmtpd.

When configuring /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf, I also set Drafts, Junk, and Sent Messages to auto-create as well as Trash.

I started the dovecot service the same way I did postfix above.

What works

I can send mail with sendmail and GNU mailutils mail. The following works:

sh echo "test email" | sendmail


sh mail -a

(where is my Postfix mail server, and is my existing email address with an external provider)

The above results in me receiving the email in my spam folder at from, email all appears normal to me.

The issue

I've noticed two problems which may be related.

Can't log into Thunderbird

Firstly, I can't log into Thunderbird. I get the following error:


(Transcription: Unable to log in at server. Probably wrong configuration, username or password.)

To log in, I am entering my email address at, where user is my UNIX user (which is part of the mail group), and is my domain. I entered my password as my user account's password.

Thunderbird seems to recognise my mail server as it auto configured to the following:

INCOMING: IMAP, hostname, port 993, SSL/TLS, normal password, username user (i.e. without the

OUTGOING: hostname, port 465, SSL/TLS, normal password, username user

I have also tried the same configuration with STARTTLS and ports 143 and 587, to the same error.

Can't receive mail

I've also tried to send myself emails from my other email addresses. I've tried two of my external email addresses so far. My email clients say they've sent the emails and they appear in my Sent folder, however my Protonmail has sent me some emails today from their mailer daemon complaining that Your email could not be delivered for more than 12 hour(s).:

<>: host[MY IP] said: 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)

I've checked /var/log/messages (which is the Alpine Linux syslog) and found the following, which I don't know how to interpret:

Nov 2 17:57:03 domain postfix/smtpd[28188]: connect from[] Nov 2 17:57:03 domain postfix/smtpd[28188]: Anonymous TLS connection established from[]: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature ECDSA (prime256v1) Nov 2 17:57:04 domain postfix/smtpd[28188]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<> Nov 2 17:57:04 domain postfix/smtpd[28188]: disconnect from[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 data=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=6/8

I have dovecot configured to use the maildir format (or at least I think I do; I followed the tutorial to set it up to use maildir) but I don't see anything in my ~/Maildir directory.

Running GNU mail results in the output:

Cannot open mailbox /var/mail/user: No such file or directory No mail for user

My configuration

Output of postconf -n:

command_directory = /usr/sbin compatibility_level = 3.9 daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix data_directory = /var/lib/postfix debug_peer_level = 2 debugger_command = PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin ddd $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5 home_mailbox = Maildir/ html_directory = no inet_protocols = ipv4 mail_owner = postfix mailbox_size_limit = 0 mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq manpage_directory = /usr/share/man meta_directory = /etc/postfix mydomain = myhostname = myorigin = $mydomain newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/readme sample_directory = /etc/postfix sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail setgid_group = postdrop shlib_directory = /usr/lib/postfix smtp_header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/smtp_header_checks smtp_tls_loglevel = 1 smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3, !TLSv1, !TLSv1.1 smtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3, !TLSv1, !TLSv1.1 smtp_tls_security_level = may smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/letsencrypt/live/ smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/letsencrypt/live/ smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1 smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3, !TLSv1, !TLSv1.1 smtpd_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3, !TLSv1, !TLSv1.1 smtpd_tls_security_level = may smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache smtputf8_enable = no unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550

Output of doveconf -n:

``` (d492236fa0): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

OS: Linux 6.6.58-0-lts x86_64


auth_debug = yes auth_mechanisms = plain login auth_username_format = %n auth_verbose = yes log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log mail_debug = yes mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir mail_privileged_group = mail mbox_write_locks = fcntl namespace inbox { inbox = yes location = mailbox Drafts { auto = create special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Junk { auto = create special_use = \Junk } mailbox Sent { special_use = \Sent } mailbox "Sent Messages" { auto = create special_use = \Sent } mailbox Trash { auto = create special_use = \Trash } prefix = } passdb { args = scheme=CRYPT username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users driver = passwd-file } protocols = imap lmtp lmtp service auth { unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth { group = postfix mode = 0660 user = postfix } } service lmtp { unix_listener lmtp { group = postfix mode = 0600 user = postfix } } ssl = required ssl_cert = </etc/letsencrypt/live/ ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes userdb { args = username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users driver = passwd-file } ```


This seems to be a dovecot log of an authentication attempt.

Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH 3 PLAIN service=imap secured=tls session=JeHL+PEltufBIH/a lip=<my server IP> rip=<my home IP> lport=993 rport=59318 resp=<hidden> Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Debug: passwd-file(user,<my home IP>,<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>): Performing passdb lookup Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Debug: passwd-file(user,<my home IP>,<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>): lookup: user=user file=/etc/dovecot/users Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Info: passwd-file(user,<my home IP>,<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>): unknown user Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Debug: passwd-file(user,<my home IP>,<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>): Finished passdb lookup Nov 02 18:11:11 auth: Debug: auth(user,<my home IP>,<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>): Auth request finished Nov 02 18:11:13 auth: Debug: client passdb out: FAIL 3 user=user Nov 02 18:11:13 imap-login: Debug: Ignoring unknown passdb extra field: original_user Nov 02 18:11:13 imap-login: Info: Disconnected: Connection closed (auth failed, 3 attempts in 22 secs): user=<user>, method=PLAIN, rip=<my home IP>, lip=<my server IP>, TLS, session=<JeHL+PEltufBIH/a>

Thanks for reading this fairly long post. Do ask if I need to provide any more configs, logs, etc. Appreciate any help, thanks in advance


Internet strangely stops working after one day of installation.

This is an Acer Aspire one laptop, with a 32 bit CPU and Debian 12.7. Whenever I install Linux on it, the Internet works for about one day. And when I boot it up the next day, it just stops working. This is the case for WiFi, Ethernet and USB tethering via Android.

After running networkctl it gave me this:


I can ping in this state, but not I can't open websites in Firefox either.



Then I ran "sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd". The networkctl output changed but everything worked exactly as the above two images. Couldn't open websites still.


Yesterday everything was working perfectly

Edit: Thanks to and I finally have internet access on my 12-year old e-waste!


GDM doesn't have the session type chooser on EndeavourOS

Today I needed to do a clean install. I downloaded and installed the distro as usual choosing similar installer options as I did in the past (however I didn't install CUPS this time because idk what's up with that vulnerabilities).

After a reboot and fixing some systemd-boot freeze issues in BIOS, the system started and the GDM login prompt appeared without any issues. But there was no usual gear icon in the corner that lets you choose between Wayland, X11 and GNOME Classic modes.

I tried to log in but I got my usual Wayland issue (2/3 of the screen is black and 1/3 is artifacting). So I needed to switch to X11 to figure out if I can do anything about the issue this time.

I rebooted to fix the display issue and entered CLI mode (ctrl + alt + f2). I checked for xorg packages and they were indeed installed. However doing startx gave an error about XAuthority not being configured and launched an empty session with 3 or 4 xterm windows.

For those thinking of the 61st /usr/lib rule, I do not have an NVidia GPU so that's not the issue.

So, all of that made me think that new releases of EndeavourOS come with the stupid X11-less version of GNOME. Can I add the support myself via CLI or do I have to install an X11-only DE and use that to compile a version of GNOME with mandatory X11?

EDIT: everyone said that I should change the hardware but I figured out a fix myself. It turned out it was actually a distro issue.


I have a laptop with pop os and it will not let me format the USB to FAT

[Solved] just had to create a new partition and then it lets me select FAT.

I'm not sure what happened, I remeber using gnome disks to do this before but it isn't working now now the only options I get are (MBR/DOS) or (GPT) and neither one will let me access the actual USB afterwards in anything other than GNOME disks. I can't use file explorer and add anything to it.

What is going on here? I swear this worked well before but now something has changed suddenly and I can't get it to work anymore.

When I restore a Debian disk image to the USB it will finally show up in the file explorer but I can't add anything to it and the only options I get to format it are those ones that won't let me access it in the file explorer and actually use the USB.

What am I doing wrong?