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Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 1.1 Pre-RC 1 (697) - 2023-09-22

We're back with bugfixes, bugfixes, a new icon, and more bugfixes! Thanks to all of our wonderful TestFlight members for finding and reporting bugs--we really couldn't do it without you.

Small patch today, but we figured that the fixes are important enough to be worth releasing ahead of our regular cadence.

Features and Improvements

  • Added a new "Classic Lemmy" icon, designed by yours truly, based on the Lemmy logo
  • Refined the onboarding flow. The instance list now only shows the top 30 instances, with the others accessible via search; we've also smoothed out the navigation between pages.
  • Refined the editor. Now it can be pulled down to only cover half the screen so you can see context while you're composing, and it can't be swipe-dismissed so you won't accidentally lose a half-written post.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed images not prefetching
  • Fixed the first ~40 posts not showing up
  • Fixed posts loading after the end of the feed
  • Fixed large posts rendering incorrectly on iPad

Cheers, The Mlem Group


Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 1.0.2 Pre-RC (687) - 2023-09-16

I'm going to start by saying we didn't actually want to release this one just yet. A couple major instances changed their API spec without updating the published build number, which led to us needing to rush out a fix, so what we've got isn't quite fully cooked yet. Anyway, we figured it would be more fun to ship what we've got then to ship a patch, so here's what's new:

Features and Improvements

  • Added an option to upvote posts on save (comments still WIP)
  • Added an option to show the user avatar in the tab bar instead of the generic profile
  • Made profile headers more readable
  • Updated the behavior of the NSFW filter. In expanded post mode, tapping anywhere on the image will dismiss the filter; in feed, the filter can still only be dismissed by tapping the warning sign.
  • Added post overscroll for the jump button

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed website icon not appearing in the right place on thumbnails
  • Fixed the "share" button crashing the app on iPad
  • Fixed the widget customizer not working on iOS 17
  • Fixed feed refresh not behaving consistently
  • Fixed login not handling incorrect 2FA code properly
  • Fixed instances with optional .admin field not loading
  • Added handling for inconsistent date formats across instances
  • Fixed unencoded URLs breaking the feed

Known issues:

  • Swipe voting in inbox has an animation hitch
  • Comments don't apply interactions instantly
  • It's hard to get image posts to collapse
  • Putting too many widgets and too much info in the bar causes view clipping
  • Onboarding flow is kinda rough. If you've got thoughts on how to make it smoother, please share!
  • In Large Post mode, all images are crunched into a square. This is a temporary hack for performance reasons while we polish up some fun new changes, and will be gone in the next build.

Cheers, The Mlem Group


Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 1.0.2 Pre-RC (605) - 2023-09-04

We're motoring on ahead towards our 1.0.2 RC. It's a little ways off yet, but we've just got so many new changes that we couldn't help but share them with you.

What's new:

  • The Widget Wizard: fully customize your post and comment interaction widgets with a new drag-and-drop interface! Check it out in Settings -> Appearance -> Posts or Comments -> Customize Widgets
  • Jump button: we've added a handy little button to jump to the next top-level comment. You can disable it in Settings -> Comments.
  • Instant post feedback: we've done some major backend work on how we handle posts to make the app more stable and set up new features down the line. You'll notice that posts now apply your interactions immediately, rather than waiting for network round trip. You might also notice some new bugs, which we would love to hear about.
  • Onboarding: new users now get a proper onboarding flow. You can check it out by removing all your accounts from Mlem.
  • Collapse post content: in the detailed post view, you can tap the title or body of a post to collapse it and get right to the comments
  • Collapse comments: swipe way to the left to reveal a new swipe action: collapse comment
  • Haptic levels: you can now disable some or all of the haptic feedback in the app in Settings -> General -> Haptic Level
  • Opaque tab bars: in case you think material design is so 2014 and yearn for strong, assertive views, you can now make the tab bars fully opaque in Settings -> Accessibility -> Translucent Insets.

Quality of life updates:

  • Link posts now have an indicator on their thumbnail in Compact and Headline mode
  • Fixed a problem where the account switcher would be open when re-opening the app
  • Inbox now persists unread status
  • Search no longer has auto-correct or auto-capitalization
  • Large images now display as shrunk. You can make them display in their full, glorious height in Settings -> Appearance -> Posts -> Limit Image Height In Feed.
  • You can now block communities directly from posts
  • Various actions have been flagged as destructive
  • Fixed some issues with images embedded in links displaying poorly
  • Fixed nav bar disappearing on device rotation
  • Haptic feedback no longer causes an animation hitch on first play

Known issues:

  • Swipe voting in inbox has an animation hitch
  • Comments don't apply interactions instantly
  • It's hard to get image posts to collapse
  • Putting too many widgets and too much info in the bar causes view clipping
  • Onboarding flow is kinda rough. If you've got thoughts on how to make it smoother, please share!

Cheers, The Mlem Group


Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 1.0.1 RC 2 (432) - 2023-08-09

Thanks to all your feedback on the first 1.0.1 Release Candidate build, we've smoothed out some of the edges and are targeting an App Store submission tomorrow.

The Highlights:

  • Added swipe down to dismiss QuickLook preview
  • Added the ability to give profiles nicknames to display in the tab bar (settings -> appearance -> tab bar)

Full Changelog:

  • Added swipe down to dismiss QuickLook preview
  • Added the ability to give profiles nicknames
  • Fixed "show instance" toggles not doing anything
  • Fixed voiceover on the tab bar. It now properly announces each tab and is considered the last item in the view, so the reader starts in the right place and will select the tab bar on four-finger tap at the bottom of the screen
  • Improved voiceover on posts. The items in the info stack are now properly grouped and annotated.
  • De-emphasized the body of text posts in feed. Text post bodies now appear as secondary content (gray) in the feed instead of primary (black or white)
  • Added haptic feedback on long press account quick switcher
  • Fixed tab bar spacing on devices with a physical home button
  • Tightened up tab bar animations significantly
  • Added auto-selection of text fields in post and comment editors
  • Improved consistency of settings menus
  • Fixed an issue where all users in community feeds were being flaired as OP
  • Improved comment folding animation
  • Changed some stale links
  • Added .webp image support
  • Even more caching to further improve feed performance

Cheers, The Mlem Group


Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight: We Fixed Scrolling | 1.0.1 RC (432) - 2023-08-05

We've been hard at work tuning our image caching, prefetching, and optimizations, and are excited to finally bring you a smooth and highly performant feed with none of the stuttering or jumping that's been plaguing us.

This build also brings a few new smaller improvements:

  • Read posts are now indicated in the feed and can be hidden using the "hide read" button in the navigation bar ellipsis menu. By default read posts are indicated with grayed title text, but if the system-wide "differentiate without color" setting is enabled we've added two different ways to indicate read posts: a checkmark by the ellipsis menu on read posts or a gray bar on the leading edge on unread posts.
  • New accessibility menu in settings. Right now it's just got the settings to customize differentiation without color, but long-term it's going to serve as a place to house all the customizations needed to make Mlem work smoothly and easily for everybody.
  • Updated thumbnail behavior. Tapping an image post's thumbnail opens the image quicklook and tapping a link post's thumbnail opens the link. Both of these actions mark a post as read.
  • Greatly improved the robustness of our haptics system, which previously would sometimes just stop working if the app was closed.

This build's our 1.0.1 App Store Release Candidate, so if testing goes well it'll be hitting the App Store in the next couple days.


The Mlem Group


| Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 1.0.1 (387) - 2023-07-31

We've been hard at work over the past couple weeks on our 1.1 build. We're excited to be rolling out our first set of new features to the TestFlight beta (and, soon, to the App Store). The highlights:

  • Editing posts and comments
  • Account quick-switching. You can access the new accounts menu by long pressing on the profile tab, swiping up from the tab bar, or going to your profile and using the button in the navigation header.
  • More post customization
  • Compact comments option. Also, the interaction bar now properly collapses when you collapse a comment.
  • Organized the settings and gave them a facelift while we were at it
  • Unread count on the inbox tab (this can be disabled it in settings)
  • The inbox menu now has options to show only unread and mark all messages as read

We've also got a ton of bugfixes, backend changes, minor tweaks, and other goodies for you. You can see the full details on our GitHub page, or just jump into the app and see what's new. Check it out and let us know what you think!


The Mlem Group

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| Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 0.1.0(147) - 2023-07-07

It's here: the last big update before we apply to the App Store! We've got some exciting new features and a bunch of awesome fixes for you:


  • Back by popular demand: the old compact mode! We've given it a little bit of a touch-up in the process. The previous not-very-compact compact mode is now called "headline," and large is still, well, large.
  • New search UX: We gave community search a whole tab of its own, featuring recent search history (clearable, of course) and a much smoother UI. Keep an eye on that tab--we've got big plans for it down the road.
  • Reporting Content. We added ability to report posts and comments via context or the ellipsis menu. These reports will be sent to community moderators.


  • Optimized image loading to improve scroll performance significantly
  • Fixed spelling mistake (thanks J0hnny007)
  • Fixed bug where link posts made it hard or impossible to enter the comments
  • Fixed bug where NSFW tags were sometimes missing
  • Fixed bug where new posts required a link and body text
  • Fixed issue where comment times could show up with incorrect times


  • Cross-instance subscriptions are currently not displaying. This is a server-side problem, nothing we can do about it :(
  • Link posts are a little choppy in the feed--we're working on smoothing that out

Keep in mind that this is beta software (though not for much longer)--there may be bugs, and we want to hear about them!

Thanks again for using Mlem! We hope you love it as much as we do.


The Mlem Team