Simple Plasma Gruvbox theme with Tunic wallpaper

The wallpaper is just a cropped image from the scans of the games manual found here, note these are spoilers!, Tunic is an absolutely lovely game I have been playing on my Switch and I highly recommend it to people who really enjoy the difficulty of older Nintendo games but want a more polished experience. The way the game integrates the "manual" is really intriguing
For a while I was experimenting with different plasma themes but I landed back on the good old reliable gruvbox dark theme.
Edit: my apologies for not perfectly aligning two of the images in Gimp, I forgot to press the button that aligns them horizontally and not just vertically :p
Customized my system to my liking

As the title said, I customized my system according to what I liked. It's probably a mess of features and design elements cobbled together from the OS's I've used (or would like to use).
There's also some features I've customized that is hard to show via screenshots, like mouse gestures to move windows around different screens and virtual desktops.
I don't think I've achieved everything I want here, but it has gone way further than I've imagined it'd go.
may be extremely basic in terms of ricing, but KDE did an amazing job with Breeze that I barely had the need to tweak it

- Primary monitor: MSI Optix MAG342CQR
- Secondary monitor: LG DualUp
- Operating System: Kubuntu 23.10
- KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.8
- Primary theme: Breeze Dark
- Icon Theme: Sweet-Red-Filled/Candy-Icons
- System specs:
My first ever rice, on my first ever install of Linux, moments before I kill it with a system update.
cross-posted from:
> Made this when I initially installed EndeavourOS awhile ago, unfortunately in recent versions of kwin the setup I'm using to round the corners of my windows and give them an outline no longer works, so I'll have to change it. > > Seeing as I'll have to come up with something new soon, if anyone has any tips on how to make something better please let me know, personally I feel like I'm not using KDE's widgets to their full potential here, but I can't figure out how to add more without making it feel cluttered.
Trying out a vertical bar

Bar: Latte Dock with:
- Virtual Desktop Bar
- Split Digital Clock
- Latte Separator - for the thin separator lines
Rest are default applets, application menu (has the material design rocket icon), system tray, etc.
The system tray icons can be obtained by using the Vimix Plasma Theme
Color scheme: DecayCE, some of the themes are available in their repo, and some (like the plasma color scheme) were ported by me. (ported technically isn't right, i just typed in some hex codes lmao)
Firefox stuff:
- Cascade CSS theme
- Tab Center Reborn - for the vertical tabs - using the cascade css integration
- NightTab - for the home page
Window customizations:
- Shape Corners - for rounded corners/highlight
- Utterly Rounded Solid - for the window decorations.
Terminal: Kitty
Font: Lexend (main), SpaceMonoNF (mono)
I'll post any specific config files if anyone needs it
Solarized Dark - First Try Ricing KDE Plasma

My first time trying to rice KDE Plasma. Surprisingly good, though, considering little effort was put. I just solarized-darkening everything in sight.
First rice

This is my first rice, it's a simple one but not really "just the defaults".
Even though it wasn't captured in the screenshot, the mouse cursor is also changed.
The wallpaper is this one, from WallpaperCave.
I'm using the Latte Dock, but the above bar is a Plasma panel, not a Latte panel.
Custom everything 5.5/8

GTK: <>
Install: ./ -c dark -s standard -i gnome -l --tweaks solid noborder square
Every #333333
replaced with #222222
in ~/.themes/Fluent-Dark/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css
Plasma style: Bali's -- <>
Colors: Bali's Grey -- <>
Window decoration: Chameleon Dark -- <>
Icons: Fluent Dark -- <>
Cursor: McMojave with custom animation -- <>
Splash screen: None
Materia Dark -- <>
The background is set to "#222" in all 3 columns
Cursor: I-Beam, Blinking: Enabled
Misellaneous: Show hint for terminal sizeafter resizing: Off
Scrolling: Scrollbar position: Hidden
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
Desktop Effects:
Wobbly windows: On
Screen Edge: Off
Firefox: <>
Barbie™ Done Rice

For all the Barbie fans, here is ...a lot...of pink.
Rice setup:\ Kvantum = Deepinv20\ GTK= Aura-GTK\ Plasma = mkos-BigSur\ colors = Blur-Glassy (custom barbie pink #e02189)\ Window Decorations = Klassy (custom pink border and round corners)\ Icons = Reversal-pink\ Cursors = Oxygen Pink Blossom\ Konsole Theme = pinkcat console theme
Other components:\ Kpple Menu = (custom Barbie head icon)\ KDE's floating panels for taskbar and dock\ Application Dashboard widget for dock (custom Barbie purse icon)\ Virtual Desktop Bar widget used in dock (not recommended for Wayland)\ Modern Clock widget used on desktop for date/time\ Wunnderground Extended widget for weather in taskbar\ gtk3-classic - found in Chaotic-AUR or AUR repos (makes both QT and GTK follow windows decorations)