Got a small monitor for small music stuff :)

- Window Manager: dwm
- System Information: Neofetch
- Terminal: Simple Terminal (st) + Nerd Font
- Status Bar: dwmblocks
- Tabbed Terminal: tabbed
- Cow: cowsay + fortune (darkest dungeons)
- Compositor: xcompmgr
- Music Setup: mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, and glava for music visualization.
- Monitor Configuration: mons
- Color scheme and sutff: PyWal + Custom Script to generate themes and other stuff.
true minimalism

Editor: Vimacs (Most feature-full neovim distro)
PDF: Sioyek
Distro: Arch
WM: dwm
Terminal: ST
Fetch: BunnyFetch
LS: logo-ls
Synthwave setup in Debian

First rice!! (kinda). Spend a lot of time in it, and I don't regret it. I also have rofi but couldn't screenshot it with scrot (U~U ||| I'll post the dotfiles and builds when I upload them.
OS: Debian Sid (installed originally as Debian 12/Bookworm)
WM: DWM flexipatch
Font: SpaceMono Nerd Font with 12pt
Terminal: st
Shell: zsh with PowerLevel10k
GTK: 3.0 with a half-finished theme based on fluoromachine
Icons: ePapirus Dark
Neovim theme: Fluoromachine
Programs on screen: Neovim, cmatrix and neofetch
first post on lemmy, reddit old times vibe...

Distro: Archlinux WM: DWM Editor: Neovim Cli stuff:
- cava
- neofetch
Dream of the Endless

DOTS: github Let me know if I forgot to add something
OS: Void Linux
Browser: firefox
Startpage: my own
Fetch: rxfetch
Other programs: x11+picom, sxiv, neovim, xwallpaper, zathura, mpv, newsboat, shellcaster, mpd with ncmpccppcppp, lf, Dunst, ImageMagick, ffmpeg, xsecurelock
colorscheme - gruvbox-material
fonts - martian mono, be vietnam pro icons - fontawesome
video - cbum on mordern wisdom podcast
Special thanks to all the following poeple:
edit - Gotta say, the crowd over here (lemmy) at unixporn is unexpectedly heartwarming, did not expect it anywhere close to reddit's but here it's probably better. Ty everyone for throwing love at my rice ;)
added a Nord theme to my existing rice

Onedark colors and more bloated statusbar

Not fully suckless DWM
> Distro: Arch Linux
Theme: Onedark+Qogir-dark
Fonts and symbols: JetBrains Mono
Symbols: Nerd Font Symbols
File Manager: Ranger Image viewer: nsxiv
Bar: dwmblocks-async
Terminal: st