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Unixporn savar95x

It's pome. again

My previous post, completed (almost).



  • OS: void
  • WM: 2bwm
  • Colorscheme: gruvbox-material (gtk is here) (god I love it, it's so easy on the eyes. gives an old money aesthetic vibe imo.)
  • The font is Martian Mono mostly, default sans is giphurs. The icons are from nerd fonts.
  • Wallpaper: berries

More Stuff:

  • Terminal: st
  • Bar: polybar
  • Editor: nvim
  • Run Launcher: rofi
  • Music: ncmpcpp with mpd
  • Image Viewer: nsxiv
  • Fetch: tuxfetch
  • Other Stuff: shellcaster, lf (with uberzug), cava, picom etc. etc. you know, the generic stuff. There are more programs that I use in my scripts not mentioned over here.

Thanks to KT-Chovy for bearing with me at every minute improvement on this rice. Also, the bar was their idea.

Unixporn savar95x


wasn't satisfied with my previous rice (this is still in works though)

programs: st, lf with uberzug, nsxiv, neovim

PS: I plan on extending this to being more functional (not that it already does everything it needs to do), and ofc more aestheticcc.


Unixporn 🏴‍☠️ ₱ɎⱤ₳₮Ɇ฿Ɇ₳ⱤĐ


mutiny noun

mu·ti·ny | \\ ˈmyü-tə-nē, ˈmyüt-nē

  • revolt or rebellion against constituted authority


  • wallpaper: hashwall -f #131313' -b '#1e1b1c' -s 12
  • colours: mutiny
  • font: tamzen by sunaku
  • wm: 2bwm
  • terminal: urxvt
  • terminal multiplexer: tmux
  • text editor: vim
  • music player: cmus
