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Creating a new layer Keychron C3 Pro: First time user

Hi. First, you need to know that my main language it's Spanish but I like to use the English layout keyboard so I need the ALT codes.

I wanted a mechanical keyboard since forever, for me it's a little expensive. Also, I like the idea of a TKL and so in my mind a K8 Pro was the chosen but being a while since my desired configuration isn't available.

Some weeks ago I'd read about the C3 Pro and for the price was a non-brainer and the opportunity to know if everything will be OK with a TKL keyboard. Just minutes after installed it I realized (after a search) that you don't have an option for ALT codes which I really need.

I've read several information, but it looks like I need to modify (or create) a new layer with the software Via. So I went to the Via site, load which I supposed it's the correct json file [c3_pro_ansi_red_v1.1_20230823.json] but I simple don't know how to do this.

Also the symbols that I use the most (and want) are: ALT 168: Open interrogation symbol ALT 160/130/161/162/163: á, é, í, ó, ú ALT 164/165 for ñ and Ñ

I don't know if it's possible but maybe would be find if I can create something that allow me to hit the CTRL + a = for á and CTRL + SHIFT A = for Á

If possible, I want to avoid the use on an app like hotkey

Note: As I'm on Windows I'd read in the Keychron site that I need to choose the layer 2 as layer zero (and one) are for the Mac mode.



Single key inputting adjacent keys (Corsair K90)

A few days back my keyboard went haywire with most key presses inputting garbage. This was after I spilled a glass of water on my desk. I didn't think any got on the keyboard, but the two issues happened too close together to not be connected.

After a little while most of the keys returned to normal apart from a few, that have constantly been inputting bad characters. The B and V key inputs BV, the N and M key inputs NM, and so on for the rest of the right adjacent keys. Then the NumPad - and * enter *-.

I've opened up the keyboard and cleaned it of the usual dust using cotton swabs, tooth brush and 99% ISO alcohol, to no effect.

I can't get into the front side of the keyboard so can't be 100% that I've removed anything caught in there.

I'm wondering what next steps I might be able to take on this. I'm guessing there's some bridge between the affected keys causing this, though I don't really know as I've no experience in this.

Any tips?