Use a Damage Pool for Lots of Monsters
Sometimes, when running lots of monsters, it's a pain to track the damage done to each monster. Thus, GMs don't tend to run more than sis to eight monsters at a time. But some of the best fantasy fict...

Building a D&D Situation – Castle Orzelbirg from Empire of the Ghouls
I love running situation-based RPG sessions. A situation-based session is one in which the GM sets up the situation at a location and lets the characters navigate the situation as the players wish, wh...

Ask Players to Describe New Character Abilities
Each time characters level up, ask players to describe their characters' new abilities. One way to make our games great is to regularly talk to our players. I've written before about the value of talk...

Understanding the Six Truths of Your Campaign Setting
Joshua, a [Patreon of Sly Flourish] asks: I'm having trouble squaring the Six Truths about a world with not providing spoilers to the players. What if one or more of the truths are entirely unknown t...

Anatomy of an Environmental Effect – Chernobog's Well
Including monuments with environmental effects the characters can dork with is a great way to spice up combat encounters. It's important to get the mechanics of said dorking correct though, or they ca...

Give Boss Monsters Awesome Nicknames
This excellent Reddit thread by BigEditorial describes the value of adding Zelda-like

Tools of the Lazy Dungeon Master
This article was updated from the original posted September 2017. Prepare what matters to our game. That's the core mantra of Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. It's an easy statement to say but can...