Matty and Bernie [F,F]
Matty and Bernie [F,F]
Trying this out to see if this fits the spirit of this community...
Crosspost from, !
2 crossposts
Matty and Bernie [F,F]
Trying this out to see if this fits the spirit of this community...
Crosspost from, ! , feel free to remove if this doesn't fit your vision for your community.
I just want to see if I'm reading your community's description correctly...
I’d say it fits.
Great to know 😊. Eventually, I (or you, or someone else can crosspost this to other relevant communities...), and this is one way we can all help grow communities. Also, feel free to pull in whatever I've posted as you see fit - this gives me (and others) a better feel about the direction of the community you want it to go.