Butt 'n bed
Butt 'n bed
Just posting one here. I assume a post is required still to add a mod to a community. I volunteered to help out if needed. I'm mostly here just messing around with ai stuff (on the appropriate community for it), and I just browse what prompts people have uploaded. I don't mind glancing at a sub feed to spot anything odd if I happen to be around. If there are flags I'll check them out, but I really don't care to play mod games. It doesn't bother me either way. I have no interest in posting content here, or mod power nonsense. If I see something crazy I'll remove, otherwise I believe in mostly self regulated communities with mostly invisible mods for the average user. If asked to leave, or if reddit mods show up and want to take over, I will gladly leave. You probably need other mods to help too. I have a life and too many other interests to watch or constantly monitor.